
Aus Shadowhelix
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Diese Liste enthält typische Abkürzungen verschiedener Organisationen, Konzerne, Länder usw.


A20K Alamos 20,000
ACHE Arcology Commercial and Housing Enclave
ADL Allianz Deutscher Länder
AF Atlantean Foundation oder Arabian Futures
AGC AG Chemie
AIPS Artifiziell-Induziertes psychotropisches Schizophreniesyndrom
Artificially Induced Psychotropic Schizophrenia Syndrome
AMT Audi Motors Technologies
AR Augmented Reality
ASIST Artificial Sensory Induction Systems Technology
ASPS Astral Space Preservation Society
ASX Australian Stock Exchange


BAD Bioengineered Awakened Drug
BGS Bundesgrenzschutz
BIS Bundesamt für Innere Sicherheit
BK Bundeskriminalamt (Österreich)
BKA Bundeskriminalamt (ADL)
BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke
BRD Bundesrepublik Deutschland
BTL Better Than Life
BVP Bayrische Volkspartei
BuMoNA Bund für Mobilen Notfall-Arzteinsatz


CAS Confederation of American States
CAWS California Agriculture and Water Society
CCMA Corporate Court Matrix Authority
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFS California Free State
COGMA Chico-Oroville Greater Metro Area
CSF Confédération Suisse Francophone
CVP Christliche Volkspartei


DeMeKo Deutsche Medien- und Kommunikations AG
DIMR Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research
DIVE Draconic Information Virtual Exchange
DNI Direktes Neurales Interface
Direct Neural Interface
DNP Deutschnationale Partei
DPI Division of Paranormal Investigation


EMC European Motor Company
EU Europäische Union


FBV Frankfurter Bankenverein


GOD Grid Overwatch Division
GRU Glawnoje Raswedywatelnoje Uprawlenije


HHMC Hamburger Hafen Management Center
HKB Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal
HMHVV Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus
Humanes-Metahumanes Vampirisches Virus
HTR High Threat Response
HUSPD Hamburger Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands


IC Intrusion Countermeasure
ICC Inter-Corporate Council
ICE Intrusion Countermeasure
ITCC Internetwork Transmission Control Council


JIS Japanese Imperial State


KI Künstliche Intelligenz
KMLMPD Kommunistisch-Marxistisch-Leninistisch-Maoistische Partei Deutschlands


LA Los Angeles
LPO Lord Protector's Office
LTG Lokales Telekommunikationsgitter


MCT Mitsuhama Computer Technologies
MIFD Market Information and Forecasting Department
MIT&T Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Thaumaturgy
MMVV Menschlich-Metamenschliches Vampirisches Virus
MOM Mothers of Metahumans
MPA Metahuman People's Army
MRC Metagenics Research Consortium
MSI Müller-Schlüter Infotech
MSP Minneapolis-St. Paul
MTF Magical Task Force


NAN Native American Nations
NDB Norddeutscher Bund
NEEC New European Economic Community
NY New York
NYC New York City


ORC Ork Rights Committee


PAN Personal Area Network
PLTG Privates Lokales Telekommunikationsgitter
PPG Pacific Prosperity Group
PRB Pacific Rim Bank and Financial Services Corporation


RTG Regionales Telekommunikationsgitter


SAIM Sovereign American Indian Movement
SCIRE Self-Contained Industrial-Residential Complex
SEC Sandstorm Engineering Conglomerate
SEg Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
SFU Small Farmers' Union
SIM Seoul-Incheon Megaplex
SIN Systemidentifikationsnummer
SK Saeder-Krupp
SOTA State of the Art
SURGE Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression


TRC Tír Republican Corps


UCAS United Canadian and American States
UCC United Corporate Council
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles
UGE Ungeklärte genetische Expression
UNL United Netherlands
UO Universal Omnitech
USA United States of America
USC University of Southern California
USPD Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands


VNL Vereinigte Niederlande
VITAS Virusinduziertes Toxisches Allergie-Syndrom
Virally-Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome
VRP Volksdeutsche Reinheitspartei


WAN Wide Area Network