Quelle, en: Hazard Pay
Informationen |
Produktion |
Credits: siehe hier
Publikation |
Verlag: Catalyst Game Labs |
Ersterscheinung: Mai 2012⁎ |
Nummer: E-CAT26210 |
Format: Ebook, Print |
Sprache: Englisch |
Übersetzungen: [[Quelle, de: ?gz? vgl. Liste#|de]] |
Metainformation |
Edition: 4 |
Hazard Pay ist ein Quellenbuch für die Vierte Edition von Shadowrun. Das Buch behandelt gefährliche Umgebungen, bei denen ein "Risikozuschlag" (Hazard Pay) für Runner fällig wird, wenn sie dort hingehen sollen: Die Tiefen der Ozeane mit ihren Aquakologien, das ewige Eis arktischer und antarktischer Regionen, den Weltraum mit seinen Raumstationen und lebensfeindliche Wüsten. Damit ist "Hazard Pay" faktisch der Nachfolgeband für "Target: Wastelands" aus der Dritten Edition, wobei die dort ebenfalls behandelten toxischen Zonen hier außen vor bleiben.
Hazard Pay wurde von Catalyst Game Labs am 09. Mai 2012 in englischer Sprache als eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen) und im Juni des selben Jahres auch in gedruckter Form veröffentlicht. Eine deutsche Übersetzung durch den Pegasus Verlag ist geplant.
The Ends of the Earth
And Beyond!
Dark alleys, abandoned buildings, wet streets stabbed with neon light—shadowrunners know all these places. They also know that they aren’t the only places work gets done. A good shadowrunner should be open to anything, to runs that might take them anywhere. From the cold of Antarctica to the heat of the Sahara, from the life-filled dark of the deep oceans to the empty void of outer space, there is work to be had for runners brave and resourceful enough to take it. Of course, there are also dozens of new ways to die, so you should probably see if Mr. Johnson will chip in a little extra pay.
Hazard Pay takes shadowrunners into different extreme environments across the Sixth World, providing the descriptions, plot hooks, gear, and other information gamemasters and players need to use these environments in their game. From mysterious monuments under the sea to battered jalopies that just might make it into orbit without disintegrating, Hazard Pay presents myriad challenges for runners who are prepared for trouble and ready for anything.
Hazard Pay is for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.
- Snow Emergency
- Protectors and Despoilers
- Deep Sea
- Arctic Wastelands
- Space
- Deserts
- Game Information
Ergänztes Inoffizielles Inhaltsverzeichnis
- The Protectors
- Aqua Arcana
- Astral Space Preservation Society
- Gaia’s Forsaken
- Globewatch
- Shasta Shamans
- United Talismongers Association
- The Despoilers
- Blood Mages
- Insect Shamans
- Shadow Spirits
- Toxic Shamans
- The Protectors
- Aquafarming
- Deep-Sea Exploration
- Tourism, Travel and Trade
- Salvage Operations
- Talismongering/Talislegging
- The Arkoblocks
- Other Sea- based aquacologies (Current and Future)
- Ares Trident
- Aztechnology military installation (Aquacology)
- Evo
- Saeder-Krupp
- Red Wheel Engineering Maximum Security Prison
- The Yonaguni Monument
- Shiawase
- Atlantean Foundation
- Private collectors
- Environment
- Terrain
- Survival Tips
- Putting the Right Team Together
- Natural Phenomena
- Polar Night and Midnight Sun
- Aurora Polaris
- Other solar phenomena
- Acoustic Phenomena
- Wildlife
- Gear
- Clothing
- Weapons
- Vehicles
- Spells
- Arctic Areas
- Trans-Polar Aleut
- Athabaskan Council
- Algonkian-Manitou Council
- Quebec
- Other Arctic Areas of Interest
- Antarctic Areas of Interest
- Wuxing Geomancy Research Station #12
- Draco Foundation Research
- Vessel Lindsay Marie
- The Yorick Society
- Fort McAbee Launch Facility
- Working in Antarctica
- Other Places of Interest
- Environment
- Swimming in the Void
- Historical Overview
- Early Space History
- Turn of the Century
- The Crash of 2029
- New Space Race
- Crash 2.0
- Post-Crash 2.0 and Space Operations Today
- Operating in Space
- Space Basics : Topography
- Space Basics : Survival
- Getting into space
- Space Operations Today
- Operating in Space: Laws and Regulations
- Space Rescue Service
- Known Launch Facilities
- Prominent launch Sites and Aerospace Ports
- Space-capable Aerospace Ports
- Low-Earth Orbit Stations
- Geosynchronous Orbit Stations
- Lagrange Point Stations
- Extraterrestrial Space Stations and Facilities
- The Mojave: The Spirits Are Killing, the Flesh Is Weak
- Sahara
- Arabian
- Australian Outback
- Surviving the Desert
- Advances in Magic
- Desert Gear
- Ebook
- Veröffentlichung: 09.05.2012⁎
- Dateigröße: 11.48 MB
- Dateiformat: PDF
- Ursprünglicher Preis: 25 $
- Print
- Einband: Softcover
- Seitenanzahl: 168
- Ursprünglicher Preis: 34,99 $