Quelle, en: Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets

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® Catalyst Game Labs
Verlag: FASA Corporation
Nummer: FAS7122
Edition: 2
Erschienen: 1996
Sprache: englisch
[[Quelle, de: ?ped? vgl. Liste#|?ped? vgl. Liste]]
Format: Print / eBook
Einband: Soft Cover
Seitenanzahl: 112
Dateigröße: 3.4 MB
  • 15,00$ (print)
  • 8,00$ (ebook)
  • 12,99$ (print on demand)
ISBN-10: 1-55560-306-8
  • Autoren: Vorlage:Impressum, Vorlage:Impressum, Vorlage:Impressum, Vorlage:Impressum
  • Besonderer Dank an: Jennifer Brandes, Zach Bush, Chris Hepler, Bill Ettelson, Vorlage:Impressum, Jill Lucas, Lori Metheny, Sharon Turner Mulvihill, Nick Pollotta, Diane Piron-Gelman, Lou Prosperi, und im Besonderen Jordan Weisman
  • Shadowrun Line Developer: Michael Mulvihill
  • Redaktionsteam:
    • Editorial Director: Donna Ippolito
    • Managing Editor: Sharon Turner Mulvihill
    • Associate Editors: Diane Piron
  • Produktionsteam:
    • Art Director: Jim Nelson
    • Assistant Art Director: Joel Biske
    • Cover Design & Illustration: Jim Nelson
    • Innenillustrationen: Kent Burles, Larry MacDougall, Jeff Laubenstein, Karl Waller & Mike Nielsen
    • Layout Design: Mark Ernst & Jim Nelson
    • Production Assistant: John Bridegroom

Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets ist ein Quellenbuch für die Zweite Edition von Shadowrun, das sich mit den Auswirkungen des Todes des Großen Drachen Dunkelzahn beschäftigt. Ein zentraler Bestandteil des Buches ist das öffentliche Testament des Drachen.



Stunned World Awaits Dragon's Last Will and Testament

On Inauguration Night, 2057, the newly sworn-in President of the UCAS is assassinated--and the Awakened world will never be the same. Dunkelzahn, the charismatic and powerful great dragon, has been murdered by unknown enemies ... but he left behind a Last Will and Testament, a legacy that will change the world. Some will get rich--others will learn that dealings with the dragon can extend beyond the grace. Will Dunkelzahn's legacy be a gift to the world ... or a curse?
While the UCAS government searches for Dunkelzahn's killers, the shadows explode with activity as the dragon's secrets bubble to the surface--secrets that may hold the key to ultimate success or failure for everyone from the most powerful megacorp to the lowliest shadowrunner. Even dead, Dunkelzahn still calls the shots ... .

Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets is a unique Shadowrun product. It describes the assassination of President Dunkelzahn and the resulting fallout in the political, business, and shadow worlds. Its centerpiece is the dragon's will, which includes more than 200 items around which gamemasters and players can build entire adventures and campaigns. Dunkelzahn's bequests expose other people's secrets that may mean life or death to anyone from the guy next door to the highest-level corporate executive. Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets is intended for gamemasters and players of all experience levels. For use with Shadowrun.



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Cover Vorlage:Impressum [[Quelle, de: ?adsw? vgl. Liste#|?adsw? vgl. Liste]] / Sixth World Almanac

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