Quelle, en: Loose Alliances
Art.Nr.: FUS25006
Verlag: FanPro USA
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 164 Seiten
ISBN 193-2-56444-6
Titelbild von: Marc Sasso
Who's Got Your Back?
Corps don't give a drek about the runners they hire-—that's why they call us expendable assets. Forget working for the Mob or the Yakuza, too-—once you're in, you're part of their family for the rest of your life. Lucky for us, there are swarms of other groups looking to claim their piece of sprawl-—and who are willing to bypass the law to do it. Policlubs, magical orders, religious factions, black marketers—-these are just a few of the species struggling for survival in the shadow ecology. Hooking up with such an organization has its advantages-—resources, steady employment, backup-—but pick the wrong outfit to run with and you'll regret it when they kick you to curb. So what's it going to be, chummer? You can't roll solo forever."
Loose Alliances is a sourcebook for organizations that operate by their own set of rules in the Shadowrun world. From political factions and religious movements to treasure hunters and organleggers, it provides a wealth of information on the more obscure parties in the shadows and the benefits and drawbacks that come with them. Loose Alliances broadens the world of Shadowrun for player and gamemaster alike. For use with Shadowrun.
- Green Keepers: The Eco-Activists
- Obituary for a Rainbow Warrior
- Green Politics
- Grass & Roots
- Green Living
- Deep Green
- Extreme Green
- Fighting for a Future: Anti-Corp Groups
- A Short History of World Domination
- Taking the War Back to the Corps
- Kick it Over: Modern Anarchists
- Anarchist Agitators
- Red Menace Reborn: Neo-Communists
- Communism 101
- Modern Communism
- Hate Thy Neighbor: Anti-Meta Groups
- Philosophy of Hatred
- Humanis Policlub
- Alamos 20K
- Human Nation
- Turning the Tide: Pro-Meta Groups
- Ork Rights Committee (ORC)
- Mothers of Metahumans (MOM)
- Sons of Sauron (SOS)
- Stonecutters Guild
- Ghoul Liberation League
- Black Ork Defense Collective
- The Transhuman League
- New World Order: Modern Fascism
- Breeds of Fascism
- From Boot Parties to Boardrooms
- Antifas: Taking Back the Streets
- Antifa Direct Action (ADA)
- Edelweiss Pirates
- International Spotlight
- Feminist Perspective: Mother Earth Policlub
- Mother Earth’s Agenda
- Projects & SOP
- Organization
- Splinters & Factions
- Allies
- Enemies
- Home Grown Revolutionaries
- Rinelle ke'Tesrae
- The Haida National Front
- The Flame of Freedom
- Green Keepers: The Eco-Activists
- The United Nations
- Cogs in the Machine
- Keeping the World at Peace
- The Aristocrats Cabal
- Birds of a Feather
- Powers behind the Thrones
- The Great Game Comes Around
- Aegis Cognito
- Roots
- Branches
- Services
- Complications
- The United Nations
- Relic Hunters
- Modern Archaeology
- The Atlantean Foundation
- Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research
- The Apep Consortium
- Independents
- Magical Groups
- Behind the Wizard’s Curtain
- Illuminates of the New Dawn
- Voice of Ogoun
- Golden Acorn Society
- Dr. Faustus Society
- Locus Elementum
- The Seers Guild
- Relic Hunters
- The Vigilia Evangelica
- Recruitment
- Hidden Truth
- Secret Vaults of the Vatican
- Crisis of Faith
- Unity in the Middle East
- Islam, Past and Present
- Who Does What
- The New Islamic Jihad
- Relations with Islamic Sects
- Other Supporters and Opponents
- The Islamic Renaissance Movement
- The Movement Today
- Activities
- The Vigilia Evangelica
- Brokerage X
- Stock in Trade
- Secrets and Services
- Branches and Associates
- Tamanous
- Parts is Parts
- Draconic Information Virtual Exchange (DIVE)
- In the Shadows
- Assets, Inc.
- The Smokers’ Club
- Technicolor Wings
- Desolation Angels
- Magestone
- The Nightingale Syndicate
- Brokerage X
- Using Loose Alliances
- Using Other Groups
- Unholy Alliances
- Using Political Agitators
- Eco-Activists
- Anti-Corpsters
- Anarchists
- Communists
- Anti-Meta Groups
- Pro-Meta Groups
- Fascists
- Antifa
- Feminists
- Revolutionary Groups
- Using Elite Groups
- The United Nations
- The Aristos’ Cabal
- Aegis Cognito
- Using Mystic Groups
- Archaeological Groups
- Magical Groups
- Using Religious Groups
- The Vigilia Evangelica
- The Islamic Unity Movement and New Islamic Jihad
- The Islamic Renaissance Movement
- Using Criminal Groups
- Brokerage X
- Tamanous
- Shadowrunner Groups
- Using Loose Alliances
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