Quelle, en: Denver: The City of Shadows/Produktbeschreibung

Aus Shadowhelix
Version vom 3. Mai 2015, 23:51 Uhr von LokiBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (+Kategorie:Produktbeschreibung)
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Welcome to the Front Range Free Zone. (That's Denver for you outta-sync jokers.) It's a subdivided drek-infested, dead-dry tinderbox waiting for some political pyromaniac with slippery fingers to drop a match. It's the center of the black market for most of North America and the crossroads of six nations: Aztlan, CAS, Pueblo, Sioux, Ute, and UCAS. They get along with each other about as well as the rest of us do, all jandering for position and a slightly bigger piece of the turf. It's the home of the Nexus, the Denver Data Haven, repository of more black information than Maria Mercurial's diary (maybe).

It's all waiting for you, chummer. Can you handle it?