Quelle, en: Augmentation
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Verlag: Catalyst game labs | |
Nummer: 26002 | |
Edition: 4 | |
Sprache: englisch | |
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Einband: Hardcover (auch als eBook erhältlich) | |
Seitenanzahl: 176 | |
Preis: 34.99 $ (eBook Preis: 24.99 $) | |
ISBN: | |
Upgrade or Die!
Augmentation is the advanced medtech rulebook for Shadowrun, Fourth Edition, covering everything you need to know about implants--including new cyberware and bioware and where to score the surgery. It provides detailed overviews of genetics and nanotechnology, from regrowing limbs to lethal cutter swarms. It also previews the bleeding-edge of biotech: bio-drones, cybermancy, and full-body cyborgs. Augmentation contains everything players and gamemasters need for implants and body modification in Shadowrun.
- Jackpoint Login
- Stitches and Spare Parts
- Medical Practise in 2070
- Medical Providers
- In Public Service
- Private Practise
- Franchise Bodyshops
- Corporate Medicine
- Armed Emergency Services
- Shadow-Clinics and Street Docs
- The Path of Bear
- Organ-legging and Body Snatching
- Medtech and Augmentation in Everyday Life
- Game Information
- The Augmented Character
- Body Mods and Social Interactions
- New Postitive Qualities
- New Negative Qualities
- Tweaking the Rules
- Cybertech
- Life Wire
- Why Cyber?
- Downsides
- Behind the 'Ware
- Chromekings
- Rising Stars and Trendsetters
- Advanced Cybertechnology Rules
- Life Wire
- Biotech
- The Age of Living Technology
- Bio-Medicine
- Bioware
- (Bio)Shape Up or Ship Out
- Symbionts
- Mass Biotech
- Biotech Kings and King-Makers
- Advanced Biotechnology Rules
- Biotech Grades
- Second-Hand Bioware
- Biosculpting
- Cosmetic Bioware
- New Bioware
- Symbionts
- The Age of Living Technology
- GeneTech
- Genetech 101
- From Bases to Basics
- The Metahuman Genome
- Xenosapient Genomes
- Mendel’s Successors
- The Big Players
- Modern Moreaus
- Customer Apps
- Genetic Engineering
- You Are What You Eat
- Genedesign—The Art of Creation
- Genetic Restoration
- Phenotype Adjustment
- Transgenics
- Genetic Infusions
- Genetechnology Rules
- Genetics and Society
- Gene Therapy and Hospitalization
- Natural vs. Transgenic
- Genetic Restoration
- Phenotype Adjustment
- Transgenics
- Genetic Infusions
- Transgenic Art and Chimera Pets
- Genetech 101
- Nanotech
- An Underground Primer to Nanotechnology
- Hard and Soft Machines
- Control and Autonomy
- Common Applications
- Construction
- Computing
- Space Exploration and Exploitation
- Miltech
- Metahuman Augmentation and Medicine
- Nanotechnology Rules
- Inside the Nanomachine
- Soft and Hard Machines
- Essence Costs
- Using Nanoware
- Nanoware Systems
- Nanocybernetics
- Nanogear and Equipment
- Nanofaxes
- Weaponized Nanotech
- An Underground Primer to Nanotechnology
- Advanced Medtech
- Advanced Medical Rules
- Using Skills and Specializations
- Optional Rule: Severe Wounds
- Care and Costs
- Medical Equipment
- Diagnosis
- Under the Knife
- Cosmetic Surgery/Biosculpting
- Trauma Surgery
- Transplants and Organ Replacements
- Installing/Repairing Cyberware and Bioware
- Replacing/Upgrading Cyberware and Bioware
- Gene Therapy
- Installing Nanoware
- Diseases, Pathogens, and Other Conditions
- Disease Attributes
- The Disease Resistance Test
- Magical Diseases
- Sample Diseases
- Biowarfare Agents
- Pharmaceuticals and Biomedicals
- Advanced Medical Rules
- The Cutting Edge
- Biodrones
- Menagerie™ Biodrone Series
- Our Technology
- Control Options
- Biodrone Applications
- Cybermancy
- What is Cybermancy
- What it Does
- Where it Comes From
- Odds and Ends
- Cyborgs
- Otomo Product Announcement
- Subject Interview
- Field Report
- Game Information
- Biodrones
- Sample Biodrones
- Biodrone Swarms
- Cybermancy
- Side Effects of Unlife
- Cyborgs
- Cyborg Specs
- Cyborg Wetware
- Cyborg Hardware
- Cyborg and Cyberzombie Negative Qualities
- Biodrones
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