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Erste Edition
- Elven Fire
- Ivy & Chrome
- London Sourcebook
- Shadowbeat
- The Grimoire: 14th Edition, 2050
- Total Eclipse
- Virtual Realities
Teilübersetzung (Details)
- Native American Nations Volume One
- Native American Nations Volume Two
- The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America
- Tir Na nOg
- Tir Tairngire
Zweite Edition
- A Killing Glare
- Aztlan
- Bug City
- California Free State
- Celtic Double-Cross
- Dark Angel
- Denver: The City of Shadows
- Divided Assets
- Double Exposure
- Eye Witness
- Imago
- Missions
- Mob War!
- One Stage Before
- Paradise Lost
- Paranormal Animals of Europe
- Predator and Prey
- Prime Runners
- Rigger 2
- Shadows of the Underworld
- Super Tuesday!
- Target: Smuggler Havens
- Target: UCAS
Dritte Edition
Vierte Edition
- 10 Jackpointers
- 10 Mercs
- 99 Bottles
- A Fistful of Credsticks
- Anarchy Subsidized
- Another Rainy Night
- Artifacts Unbound
- Bad Moon Rising in the East
- Colombian Subterfuge
- Corporate Intrigue
- Damage Control
- Dirty Tricks
- Elven Blood
- Jet Set
- Sacrificial Limb
- Seattle 2072
- Sim Dreams & Nightmares
- Sprawl Sites: North America
- Sprawl Sites: High Society and Low Life
- Street Legends Supplemental
- The Land of Promise
- The Twilight Horizon
Teilübersetzung (Details)
Fünfte Edition
- Cutting Aces
- False Flag
- Forbidden Arcana
- Nothing Personal
- Ripping Reality
- Sail Away, Sweet Sister
- Serrated Edge
- Shadowrun: Digital Tools Box
- Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: Metrópole
- Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: San Francisco Metroplex
- Ten Terrorists
- The Complete Trog
- [[Quelle, en: ?vg? vgl. Liste#|?vg? vgl. Liste]]
Übersetzung angekündigt
- Book of the Lost
- Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation
- Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation: Counting Coup
- Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation: Starving the Masses
- Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: Butte
- Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: Cheyenne
Anthologien, Romane
Übersetzung angekündigt