Meta:Crossover-Aspekt - Stabiles Mananiveau

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stabilised mana level

publication ingame sys. source ed. publisher ref. claims author
1995, ?? ED Sky Point & Vivane 1 FASA bk.1, p.12
  • the Heavenherds cannot use their magical power to conquer Barsaive, because they are currently preoccupied with secret magical operations described as vital (game information)
    • "[..], the Heavenherds (the elite among Theran magical practitioners) and their allies spend their time and energy engaged in magical operations of the utmost delicacy and difficulty. They cannot simply abandon their current, vital tasks and turn their hands to warcraft. (The nature of their preoccupation is the best-guarded of all Imperial secrets.)"
Carl Sargent, Marc Gascoigne
1995, ?? 2056 SR Aztlan 2 FASA
1997, ?? ED The Theran Empire 1 FASA