Quelle, en: Hack & Slash/Inhaltsverzeichnis
Zur Navigation springen
Zur Suche springen
- Nummerierter Listeneintrag
- The Basics
- Principles
- Ex Machina Infiltrator Instance
- Ex Machina Cyberzombie Instance
- Ex Machina Sprite Instance
- Goals
- Tactics
- Social Encounters
- Marrix Encounters
- Stealth Encounters
- Combat Encounters
- Ressources
- Opposition Report
- Allies and Contacts
- Bases and Hideouts
- Making a Connection
- To Do List
- Gang in Trouble
- The Basics
- Topography of a Shapeless Country
- The Lay of the Land
- Pulsar
- Mimir
- Sojourner
- Orior
- Goals: We Come in Peace
- Tactics: What happened to Atlas?
- Der JadeDrache (The Jade Dragon)
- Ressources: The Value of a Secret Location
- Opposition Report: Not Only Nulls
- Bases and Hideouts: Sightseeing in Garmonbozia
- Kayssoune
- L'Ermitage
- City of Ys
- The Harbour
- Eniac
- The Pyramid
- Necropolis
- Making a Connection: Meet AXS.Grant
- To Do List
- Who Framed Atlas?
- Church of Orior
- Who Killed Wombat
- The Basics
- The Basics
- Principles
- Goals
- Tactics
- Ressources
- Commitment
- Skill
- Opposition Report
- The Big Ten
- National Gouvernments
- Allies and Contacts
- Reality Hackers
- The Nexus
- Black Star
- Bases and Hideouts
- Making a Connection
- Step One: Personal Challenge
- Step Two: Planning
- Step Three: Test Run
- Step Four: Into the Foundation
- To Do List
- GOD's Most Wanted
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Smash and Smash
- Free from the Matrix Jail
- Hold Strong
- The Basics
- Principles
- Goals
- Tactics
- Social Encounters
- Matrix Encounters
- Resonance Realm Encounters
- Ressources
- Opposition Report
- Knights of the COd3
- Shiawase
- The Aleph Society
- Burned Runners
- Allies and Contacts
- Shadowrunners
- The Yakuza
- Bases and Hideouts
- Infiltrated Megacorp
- Foundation Stronghold
- Dominated Resonance Realm
- Making a Connection
- Joining the Lady in Red
- Working for the Lady in Red
- To Do List
- Hired by the Lady in Red
- Exposing a Lady in Red
- A Brief History of the Shortest Revolution in History
- What is Marianne?
- What Does Marianne Do?
- Understanding Marianne
- Game Information
- A New Setting for France in Shadowrun
- How to Use (and Not Use) Marianne
- How to Make It "French"
- The Layered Mystery
- A Johnson for Your Runners
- The Unlimited Reach of Marianne
- Ressources
- Allies and Contacts
- Tactics
- Making Connections
- Bases and Hideouts
- To Do List
- What I Said Then
- What I Found
- What They Want
- What I Know Now
- Provisioner 21
- Progenitors and Harvesters
- Censor Prime 1
- Crusader Taskforce Delta
- Explorer Team Alpha
- Blasphemers, Dissidents and Outcasts
- Who's Working With Them
- Mitsuhama Computer Technologies
- Spinrad Global
- Moller Institute
- Clockwork
- Who's Working Against Them
- Data Havens
- Garmonbozia
- Grid Overwatch Division
- Where They Can Be Found
- The Null Sect Homeland
- Seeded Hosts
- NEMA Quarantine Zone
- The ARCHology and NeoNET Fragments
- Keieiewaho Channel Aquacology (KCA)
- Spinrad Global
- Club 931
- Game Rules for the Null Sect
- Null Sect Provisioner
- Null Sect Crusader
- Null Sect Blasphemer
- Engineers: Null-Mods and Code Constructs
- Null Sect Encounters
- Executive Summary
- What You Need to Know About the OmniSwarm
- Components and Team Members
- Target Vision and Goals
- Treat Assessment
- Tactics, Targets, Risks and Enemy Engagement
- Estimates of the Enemy Ressources and Components
- Hazards, Risks and potential Synergies
- Allies and Likely Assets
- Optional and Habitational Ressources
- Internal and External Communications
- Plot Hooks
- Missions
- Executive Summary
- The Basics
- Principles
- Goals
- Tactics
- Social Encounters
- Matrix Encounters
- Stealth Encounters
- Combat Encounters
- Ressources
- Reality Hacker Noob
- Reality Hacker Soldier
- Reality Hacker Lieutenant
- Opposition Report
- The Yakuza
- Cereal Killers
- Knight Errant, Lone Star and GOD
- Matrix Tech Corporations
- Allies and Contacts
- Bases and Hideouts
- Making a Connection
- To Do List
- Meet Gone Wrong
- High Profile
- Portal Wars
- Final Thoughts
- Game Information
- Working for the Spikes
- Working for the Corps
- Working for Bystanders
- Basics
- Shadowruns and Adventure Hooks
- Antagonists and Enemies
- Allies and Contacts
- Complications
- Enriching the World
Achtung: Der Sortierungsschlüssel „Hack & Slash“ überschreibt den vorher verwendeten Schlüssel „Null Value“.