Shadowhelix:Datenbank/Vorschläge: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(→‎illustration_source: +Dawn of Artifacts Campaign)
Keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
(24 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
458 Erich Schriner
o74849335 Erich Schriner
-> siehe Dopplungen unten
-> siehe Dopplungen unten
Zeile 21: Zeile 21:
+[ID] Hudson Heather
+[ID] Hudson Heather
+[ID] Ho Patrick
+[ID] Ho Patrick
Shadowrun Lockdown (die Namen habe ich überprüft, s.u.;
Dário Coelho ist uncredited, hat aber das Lockdown Cover zusammen mit Johannes Mücke gemacht):
+[ID] Coelho Dário

Zeile 51: Zeile 46:
Liam C.
Liam C.
Dário Coelho

Zeile 63: Zeile 54:
Dário Coelho
+[ID] artstation dariocoelho
+[ID] deviantart dariocoelho
+[ID] facebook coelhodario
+[ID] twitter DarioDraws
Miroslav Petrov
Miroslav Petrov
+[ID] carbonmade artofmiro
+[ID] carbonmade artofmiro
Zeile 78: Zeile 63:

o88639178 blogspot johan-egerkrans
o88639178 blogspot johan-egerkrans
o88639178 facebook johanegerkranspublic
o88639178 facebook johanegerkranspublic
o34985555 tumblr marcomazzoni
o34985555 facebook Marco-Mazzoni-150873907978
o34985555 instagram marcomazzoniart
o86535591 deviantart creatorpwned
o86535591 deviantart creatorpwned
o86535591 twitter creatorpwned
o86535591 twitter creatorpwned
Zeile 95: Zeile 77:

Howling Shadows:
o45367770 o14719198 illustration
o81710931 o14719198 illustration
o48005443 o14719198 illustration

Howling Shadows
o82750560 o37728638
o82750560 o61029073
o82750560 o20807775
o82750560 o12839058
o67603439 o25738087
o20648078 o00589706
o30395488 o38259859
o67603439 o26624488
o26526716 o07164514
o66422333 o79471507
o48005443 o29924086
o03537050 o65600444
o26526716 o02207884
o26526716 o53453230
o75375220 o85106138
o81710931 o79944523
o26526716 o13236538
o30921377 o96569969
o04145505 o32548856
o30921377 o46434832
o92075069 o54791943
o66422333 o48719492
o24024493 o59743828
o67603439 o82422919
Dawn of the Artifacts: Darkest Hour
o99380554 o72708074
o99380554 o83390930
o82535164 o99827228
o82535164 o10964820
o99380554 o28000099
o82535164 o70024165
o99380554 o52262702
o82535164 o13253653
o99380554 o16039843
o82535164 o32276069
o99380554 o51053579
o99380554 o65396586
o99380554 o73977868
o99380554 o31990579
Dawn of the Artifacts: Midnight
o99380554 o69496016
o99380554 o59978667
o99380554 o47452828
o82535164 o03255146
o99380554 o70793018
o99380554 o58496209
o99380554 o77854111
o82535164 o74355922
o82535164 o79937060
o82535164 o19366676
o82535164 o05274040
o99380554 o43409317
o99380554 o74615217
o99380554 o49357591
o99380554 o23901522
o99380554 o65755943
Dawn of the Artifacts: New Dawn
o99380554 o96878730
o99380554 o57639564
o99380554 o32276220
o82535164 o78327335
o99380554 o36435320
o99380554 o01985940
o99380554 o00689241
o99380554 o87079942
o99380554 o81578556
o99380554 o58189455
o99380554 o22742663
o99380554 o36586893

Dawn of the Artifacts: Darkest Hour
o14227820 o08574595 cover-back full
o72708074 o08574595 5 full
o83390930 o08574595 14 sixth-sw
o99827228 o08574595 19 half-upper
o10964820 o08574595 20 half-upper
o28000099 o08574595 23 half-upper
o70024165 o08574595 26 half-lower
o52262702 o08574595 30 half-upper
o13253653 o08574595 34 half-lower
o16039843 o08574595 37 half-lower
o32276069 o08574595 38 half-lower
o51053579 o08574595 43 half-upper
o65396586 o08574595 46 sixth-ne
o73977868 o08574595 46 sixth-sw
o31990579 o08574595 47 sixth-nw
o76925423 o08574595 54-55 full
Dawn of the Artifacts: Midnight
o18474847 o96160451 cover-back full
o08502526 o96160451 1 full
o69496016 o96160451 5 full
o59978667 o96160451 14 half-upper
o47452828 o96160451 19 half-upper
o03255146 o96160451 21 half-upper
o70793018 o96160451 23 half-right
o58496209 o96160451 25 half-right
o22086215 o96160451 26 half-upper
o77854111 o96160451 30 half-right
o74355922 o96160451 34 half-upper
o79937060 o96160451 39 half-upper
o19366676 o96160451 44 half-upper
o05274040 o96160451 45 half-upper
o43409317 o96160451 49 half-right
o74615217 o96160451 50 half-left
o49357591 o96160451 51 half-right
o23901522 o96160451 52 half-left
o65755943 o96160451 53 half-right
o39033994 o96160451 54 quarter-se
o19149823 o96160451 55 quarter-sw
Dawn of the Artifacts: New Dawn
o92378337 o62929000 cover-back full
o96878730 o62929000 1 full
o57639564 o62929000 7 half-left
o32276220 o62929000 11 half-upper
o78327335 o62929000 13 half-upper
o36435320 o62929000 14 half-upper
o83357691 o62929000 16 half-upper
o01985940 o62929000 20 half-left
o00689241 o62929000 22 half-upper
o02574525 o62929000 29 half-right
o88516274 o62929000 33 half-upper
o87079942 o62929000 36 half-right
o81578556 o62929000 37 half-right
o58189455 o62929000 38 half-right
o22742663 o62929000 39 center
o36586893 o62929000 42 half-right
Dawn of the Artifacts: Dusk
[+id] o00095191 cover-back full
[+id] o00095191 1 full
[+id] o00095191 5 full
[+id] o00095191 12 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 14 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 17 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 21 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 22 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 25 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 26 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 28 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 31 half-right
[+id] o00095191 32 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 34 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 35 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 37 half-upper
[+id] o00095191 43 half-upper
o58908336 o00095191 47 half-right
[+id] o00095191 48 half-right
o74615217 o00095191 49 half-left
[+id] o00095191 54 full
[+id] o00095191 55 full

Zeile 270: Zeile 87:

===Übernahme Angaben - altes Target: Wastelands-Abbildungsverzeichnis===
{| class="sortable infotable" style="width:80%;"
! width="20px" class="unsortable" |
! class="unsortable" |In anderen Quellen
| 57
| <tt>o90089495</tt>
| {{Beitrag|Peter Bergting}}
| {{Bildpos|halbseitig-oben}}
| 117
| <tt>o33089634</tt>
| {{Beitrag|Matthew Plog}}
| {{Bildpos|zentral}}


*458 - Erich Schreiner
*o54370744 - Erich Schreiner
*4451 - Erich Schriner
*o74849335 - Erich Schriner

*3077 - Joshua Howell
*o18673530 - Joshua Rowell
*7157 - Joshua Rowell
*o71434220 - Joshua Howell

*7468 - Larry Almore
*o27230860 - Larry Elmore
*8047 - Larry Elmore
*o99306142 - Larry Almore

*5665 - Jacob Glaser
*o37485828 - Jason Glaser
*8919 - Jason Glaser
*o84801958 - Jacob Glaser

===illustration_source - SR4A - Nachbesserung?===
===illustration_source - SR4A - Nachbesserung?===

Aktuelle Version vom 15. März 2018, 12:16 Uhr




o74849335	Erich Schriner	
-> siehe Dopplungen unten


INSERT INTO contributors(forename_first) VALUES('Liam.C');

Shadowrun Online - Portraits
+[ID]	Petrov		Miroslav				

Shadowrun TCG
+[ID]	Hudson		Heather				
+[ID]	Ho		Patrick				

Tomek Wrotek (Lockdown)
-- Wrotek ein Anagram von Tworek?


Update vom 17.04.:


Heather Hudson

Liam C.

Attila Boros
+[ID]	isfdb-ea	145765		


Miroslav Petrov
+[ID]	carbonmade	artofmiro		
+[ID]	blogspot	soulsart		
+[ID]	deviantart	mikeypetrov		
+[ID]	twitter	Soulsart		
+[ID]	instagram	mikeypetrov		
+[ID]	behance	Soulsurvivor		

o88639178	blogspot	johan-egerkrans		
o88639178	facebook	johanegerkranspublic			
o86535591	deviantart	creatorpwned		
o86535591	twitter	creatorpwned		
o98219748	deviantart	rhstillwell		
o31480053	facebook	atomicdogstudio		
o96311682	artstation	donaldcrank		
o96311682	deviantart	laskroto		
o06663545	facebook	Igor-Kieryluk-115707815193569		
o06663545	artstation	igorkieryluk		
o56238222	facebook	TheArtOfTereseNielsen		
o99690872	deviantart	kovah		







Übernahme Angaben - altes Target: Wastelands-Abbildungsverzeichnis

Seite id_illustration Illustrator Beschreibung In anderen Quellen Link
57 o90089495 Peter Bergting
117 o33089634 Matthew Plog



  • o54370744 - Erich Schreiner
  • o74849335 - Erich Schriner
  • o18673530 - Joshua Rowell
  • o71434220 - Joshua Howell
  • o27230860 - Larry Elmore
  • o99306142 - Larry Almore
  • o37485828 - Jason Glaser
  • o84801958 - Jacob Glaser

illustration_source - SR4A - Nachbesserung?

SR4 Anniversary - Problemfälle

o98272277	o12707240				7		center		
o00641309	o12707240				9		quarter-se		
o04784315	o12707240				10-11				
o55415857	o12707240				12		half-left		
o62812497	o12707240				16		sixth-sw		
o14366808	o12707240				149				
o85439368	o12707240				149				
o18799018	o12707240				149				
o14174178	o12707240				149				
o29144640	o12707240				149				
o48673075	o12707240				184		third-lower		
o09249117	o12707240				227		sixth-se		
o16843224	o12707240				276-277		half-middle		
o07936949	o12707240				289		sixth-e		
o79449910	o12707240				289		sixth-sw		
o39980495	o12707240				290		sixth-nw		
o52972497	o12707240				290		sixth-se		
o96070203	o12707240				290		sixth-sw		
o88185547	o12707240				291		sixth-nw		
o54989489	o12707240				291		sixth-se		
o01416068	o12707240				291		sixth-sw		
o21311860	o12707240				292		sixth-w		
o72478362	o12707240				295		sixth-sw		
o67281993	o12707240				295		sixth-s		
o46586461	o12707240				295		sixth-se		
o30090570	o12707240				298		sixth-ne		
o76288784	o12707240				298		sixth-e		
o06652943	o12707240				298		sixth-se		
o68675635	o12707240				313		sixth-e		
o15536689	o12707240				316		third-upper		
o82256089	o12707240				316		sixth-e		
o75345164	o12707240				316		sixth-se		
o93486866	o12707240				317		sixth-nw		
o45624372	o12707240				317		sixth-w			
o68284015	o12707240				317		sixth-sw		
o55247081	o12707240				317		sixth-ne		
o32676210	o12707240				317		sixth-e		
o99826701	o12707240				317		sixth-e		
o67742415	o12707240				317		sixth-se		
o94075149	o12707240				318		sixth-nw		
o27817328	o12707240				318		sixth-w			
o49611614	o12707240				318		sixth-sw		
o18935698	o12707240				318		sixth-ne		
o50516876	o12707240				318		sixth-e		
o78425362	o12707240				318		sixth-se		
o27816328	o12707240				319		sixth-nw		
o13922757	o12707240				319		sixth-ne		
o94361424	o12707240				319		sixth-ne		
o22494674	o12707240				319		sixth-e		
o18675122	o12707240				319		sixth-se		
o41583079	o12707240				320		sixth-w		
o05449266	o12707240				320		sixth-sw		
o14674670	o12707240				320		sixth-ne		
o02118397	o12707240				320		sixth-e		
o48378604	o12707240				320		sixth-e		
o91665240	o12707240				323		half-left		
o71616674	o12707240				328		sixth-nw		
o03546821	o12707240				328		sixth-nw		
o91115812	o12707240				338		sixth-w		
o56783590	o12707240				340		half-lower		
o72496299	o12707240				352				
o33113938	o12707240				352				
o47383757	o12707240				352				
o85339763	o12707240				352				
o51043392	o12707240				352				
o04207178	o12707240				352