Quelle, en: Dark Resonance/Produktbeschreibung

Aus Shadowhelix
Version vom 18. Dezember 2014, 14:25 Uhr von Loki (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Quellenrücklink|en|Dark Resonance|A=0|Ä=0|B=1|C=0|E=0|I=0|X=0|Q=0|S=0|W=0}} After having seen a game simulation of the Technomancer's [[Resonanzräume|…“)
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After having seen a game simulation of the Technomancer's Resonance Realms, an A.I. declares these realms to be its final destination—the place where it will ascend to a higher plane. A group of dissonant Technomancers convinces the A.I. that in order achieve this, it must first bypass the Event Horizon. To accomplish this, a stable Rift must be created—only no one knows how to create such a rift, much less a stable one. That is, until the theories of Dr. Noble Caliban attract the A.I.'s attention, and a gestalt of Technomancer minds is formed to bend, direct, and use dissonance to open up the gateway to heaven. Opening such a dissonant hole in the Matrix could trigger a new crash, and it's up to a Shadowrun team and the ShadowTalkers to free the minds of those Technomancers trapped inside the gestalt, and stop the Dark Resonance from contaminating the Resonance Streams—before it destroys the entire Matrix...