Quelle, en: Native American Nations Volume One/Produktbeschreibung

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Version vom 16. Juni 2013, 10:04 Uhr von Loki (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Quellenrücklink|en|Native American Nations Volume One|A=0|B=1|C=1|E=0|I=1|X=0|S=0|W=0}} "Over thirty years ago, the violent formation of the [[Native Americ…“)
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"Over thirty years ago, the violent formation of the Native American Nations shattered the United States of America and altered the geo-political boundaries of North America. Now, someone's setting out to prove that turn-about is not fair play and to bring about a little change of their own. Is it payback? Or something deeper? Regardless, it's a mad chase through the Native America Nations, full of the chaos one expects in a SHADOWRUN adventure.

Native American Nations Volume One features the adventure PEACEKEEPER and includes an in-depth sourcebook section providing details on the Salish-Shidhe, Sioux, Ute, and Pueblo Council nations, information the runners can access vie the Shadowland information network."