Quelle, en: Digital Grimoire

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Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
Nummer: CAT26600
Edition: vierte Edition
Sprache: englisch
Einband: PDF Exclusive
Seitenanzahl: 18 Seiten

Nobody Knows All Magic

Digital Grimoire is the Master's Class of Magic--expanding on Street Magic, it details additional traditions, magical groups & threats, spirits, enchanting expansions, and a handful of new spells and adept powers.

Traditions: Egyptian, Rastafarian, Psionic Magical Groups: Shrine of the Southern Winds, The Oxford Grand Lodge, Código 515 Magical Threats: Toxic Paths, Shadow Spirits, Insect Spirits

Digital Grimoire is 18 pages (including cover): a bite-sized expansion to Shadowrun, Fourth Edition and Street Magic