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458 Erich Schriner -> siehe Dopplungen unten
INSERT INTO contributors(forename_first) VALUES('Liam.C'); Shadowrun Online - Portraits +[ID] Petrov Miroslav Shadowrun TCG +[ID] Hudson Heather +[ID] Ho Patrick Shadowrun Lockdown (die Namen habe ich überprüft, s.u.; Dário Coelho ist uncredited, hat aber das Lockdown Cover zusammen mit Johannes Mücke gemacht): +[ID] Coelho Dário Tomek Wrotek (Lockdown) -- Wrotek ein Anagram von Tworek?
Update vom 17.04.:
7323 974 7717 8427 1936
1588 Heather Hudson +[ID] Liam C. +[ID] Dário Coelho +[ID] Attila Boros +[ID] isfdb-ea 145765
Dário Coelho +[ID] artstation dariocoelho +[ID] deviantart dariocoelho +[ID] facebook coelhodario +[ID] twitter DarioDraws Miroslav Petrov +[ID] carbonmade artofmiro +[ID] blogspot soulsart +[ID] deviantart mikeypetrov +[ID] twitter Soulsart +[ID] instagram mikeypetrov +[ID] behance Soulsurvivor 3808 deviantart greenboxx 3808 artstation mariusz 3808 carbonmade mariuszgandzel 7323 deviantart moulunerie 7323 facebook Regis.Moulun.Art 974 blogspot johan-egerkrans 974 facebook johanegerkranspublic 6190 tumblr marcomazzoni 6190 facebook Marco-Mazzoni-150873907978 6190 instagram marcomazzoniart 4657 deviantart creatorpwned 4657 twitter creatorpwned 4029 deviantart rhstillwell 1161 facebook atomicdogstudio 6724 artstation donaldcrank 6724 deviantart laskroto 2568 facebook Igor-Kieryluk-115707815193569 2568 artstation igorkieryluk 8427 facebook TheArtOfTereseNielsen 1936 deviantart kovah
Ich vermisse in dieser Tabelle den Metatyp. Vorstellbar wären ferner Beruf und Geburtsjahr...
[+id] Johnny "Junior" Torinni m [+id] Johnny Altenburg m [+id] Juan Xihuitl m [+id] Maggie Goldberg f [+id] Laurent Nazaire m [+id] Moreau m [+id] Tosh Athack m [+id] Athena Tatopoulos f [+id] Joe Martin m [+id] Pip m [+id] Lin Yao Chang m [+id] James Grey m [+id] Fiona Craig f [+id] Simon Andrews m [+id] Quantum Princess / Vanessa Rodriguez f [+id] Nick Ryder m [+id] Becky 99 f [+id] Sid Gambetti m [+id] Matt Wrath m [+id] Martin Tate m [+id] Goober m [+id] Lothan the Wise m [+id] Sarah Silverleaf f
(die Abbildungen der Kontakte könntest du direkt auch über index_illustration_person zuordnen, wenn du magst (vgl. Erweiterungen von persons):
Mac Callister: 491038 Laurent Nazaire: [+id] 509321 Moreau: [+id] 126498 Tosh Athack: [+id] 528346 Athena Tatopoulos: [+id] 631425 Joe Martin: [+id] 16874 Pip: [+id] 274918 Lin Yao Chang: [+id] 95678 Simon Andrews (AAS): [+id] 195403 James Grey: [+id] 57618 Fiona Craig: [+id] 195736 Simon Andrews (DW): [+id] 219548 Vanessa Rodriguez (Quantum Princess): [+id] 964532 Nick Ryder: [+id] 214736 Becky 99: [+id] 346289 Sid Gambetti: [+id] 689104 Matt Wrath: [+id] 251379 Martin Tate: [+id] 814523 Goober: [+id] 698173 Lothan the Wise: [+id] 580716 Sarah Silverleaf: [+id] 687304
- 458 - Erich Schreiner
- 4451 - Erich Schriner
- 3077 - Joshua Howell
- 7157 - Joshua Rowell
- 7468 - Larry Almore
- 8047 - Larry Elmore
- 5665 - Jacob Glaser
- 8919 - Jason Glaser
illustration_source - SR4A - Nachbesserung?
SR4 Anniversary - Problemfälle 284506 2891 7 center 628591 2891 9 quarter-se 308249 2891 10-11 79285 2891 12 half-left 507219 2891 16 sixth-sw 408165 2891 149 924570 2891 149 913580 2891 149 746391 2891 149 523640 2891 149 521046 2891 184 third-lower 163280 2891 227 sixth-se 79384 2891 276-277 half-middle 460287 2891 289 sixth-e 934056 2891 289 sixth-sw 210547 2891 290 sixth-nw 87369 2891 290 sixth-se 483910 2891 290 sixth-sw 745093 2891 291 sixth-nw 243150 2891 291 sixth-se 824096 2891 291 sixth-sw 358769 2891 292 sixth-w 471260 2891 295 sixth-sw 954860 2891 295 sixth-s 406297 2891 295 sixth-se 764058 2891 298 sixth-ne 563120 2891 298 sixth-e 129568 2891 298 sixth-se 502798 2891 313 sixth-e 468372 2891 316 third-upper 319602 2891 316 sixth-e 852104 2891 316 sixth-se 84521 2891 317 sixth-nw 42657 2891 317 sixth-w 823650 2891 317 sixth-sw 789120 2891 317 sixth-ne 862309 2891 317 sixth-e 408932 2891 317 sixth-e 19562 2891 317 sixth-se 439601 2891 318 sixth-nw 426958 2891 318 sixth-w 517849 2891 318 sixth-sw 573849 2891 318 sixth-ne 394805 2891 318 sixth-e 768045 2891 318 sixth-se 532764 2891 319 sixth-nw 548920 2891 319 sixth-ne 521087 2891 319 sixth-ne 165379 2891 319 sixth-e 85963 2891 319 sixth-se 196432 2891 320 sixth-w 74586 2891 320 sixth-sw 360158 2891 320 sixth-ne 807235 2891 320 sixth-e 619237 2891 320 sixth-e 417623 2891 323 half-left 781325 2891 328 sixth-nw 243958 2891 328 sixth-nw 612975 2891 338 sixth-w 259710 2891 340 half-lower 601935 2891 352 510746 2891 352 37264 2891 352 45978 2891 352 872019 2891 352 196807 2891 352