Quelle, en: Firing Line/Credits
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- Autoren: Aaron John, Rob McKittrick, Elizabeth Nold, Galen Winkler
- Art Direction: Brent Evans
- Cover Layout: Matt Heerdt
- Innenillustrationen: Joel Biske, Victor Corbella, Jeff Laubenstein, Evgeni Maloshenkov
- Innenlayout: Matt Heerdt
- Lektorat: Robyn “Rat” King, James Meiers, Scott Schletz, R.J. Thomas, Michael Wich
- Shadowrun Missions Logo: Brent Evans, Matt Heerdt, Jeff Laubenstein
- Shadowrun Line Developer: Jason M. Hardy
- Shadowrun Missions Developer: Steven “Bull” Ratkovich
- Shadowrun eBook Developer: Peter M. Andrew, Jr.
- Widmung: To my wife, who puts up with me. And to my mother, who bought me my first game some thirty-plus years ago. She encouraged a growing imagination and lots of sci-fi. Love you mom and thank you for the Red Box.
—Rob McKittrick