Quelle, en: Bad Moon Rising in the East/Inhaltsverzeichnis
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Das Inhaltsverzeichnis ist den Metadaten des PDF entnommen und nicht im Dokument selbst enthalten.
- Plot Synopsis
- GM Notes
- Round 1
- A Short Flight
- Welcome to Hong Kong
- Rat Problem at the Docks
- Container Port Matrix Security
- Container Port Awakened Security
- Word on the Street
- Following the Drugs
- Debugging
- Round 2
- Cleanup On Aisle Three
- Why Are The Drugs gone?
- Can It Get Worse?
- Who Needs Enemies?
- Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home
- Legwork
- Cast of Shadows
- Map - Hong Kong Port Authority
- Map - Back Alley
- Map - Dynasty Mansion
- Apal - Pistol Adept
- Dolly - Face
- Grid - Melee Artist
- Jove - Shaman
- Shade - Covert Ops
- Ugla - Hacker