Quelle, en: Shadowbeat

© FanPro
Edition: 1. Edition
Seiten: 101
Preis: 33,- DM
ISBN 1-55560-159-6
Writing: Paul R. Hume
Development: Tom Dowd
Editorial Staff:
Senior Editor: Donna Ippolito
Asslstant Editor: Sharon Turner Mulvihill
Production Staff:
Art Director: Jeff Laubenstein
Project Director: Jim Nelson
Cover Art: Dana Knutson
Cover Design: Jeff Laubenstein
Color Section: Jim Nelson
Illustration: Janet Aulisio, Joel Biske, Earl Geier, Jeff Laubenstein, Jim Nelson, Mike Nielsen
Layout: Tara Gallagher
Keyline and Pasteup: Ernie Hernandez
Kontakt: FanPro
The beat's on the street, and that's where you have to be if you wanna be in on what's happenin'. SHADOWBEAT makes it easy by dishing out the scoop on music, media, sports, and entertainment in the 2050s. Discover the best way to stardom in the sims.
Learn how to get the dirt on the stars. Get down and dirty as an Urban Brawler. All this, and the toys that make it happen, are included in...
This Shadowrun sourcebook also provides new skills and archetypes to help characters set out on a new career.
- Style and Substance
- Concrete Dreams
- Rock and Role
- Performance Skills
- Song-O-Mats™
- ...And It Comes Out Here
- Acoustic
- Special Instruments
- Electric
- Synthesizers
- Synthlinks
- Wax
- Disks, Chips, and Downloads
- Concerts and Club Dates
- ImpactTest
- Group Impact
- Rehearsals
- Karma and Impact
- Composition
- Performance Rating
- Hit or Flop?
- Cashing In
- Rocker Status
- Lifestyle
- Up and Down
- Status and Bands
- Money or Message? (Optional)
- Maintaining A Lifestyle
- Metahumans and Rock
- Elvenrock
- Sasquatch Rockers
- Goblin Rockers
- Magic and Music
- Magician Musicians
- Astral Rock
- Style and Substance
- Transmission Systems
- Terrestrial Broadcasting
- Gable Transmission
- Satellite Transmission
- Matrix Transmission
- Home Receivers
- Basic Trideo
- Optional Trideo Features
- Boosting Trideo Services
- Buying Trideo Services
- Transmission Systems
- Trid Networks
- The ITCC
- The Majors
- The Indies
- Commercial Independents
- Specialized Independents
- Public Affairs Independents
- The Pirates
- Remote Pirates
- Local Pirates
- Trid Networks
- Action Adventure
- Game Shows
- Lethal Games
- Sitcoms
- Soaps
- Talk Shows
- 3V Guide
- Channel Guide
- News Beats
- The Story behind the Story
- The Beat Sheet
- The Pix Section
- The Proof Section
- The Punch Section
- Sight and Sound
- l Am A Camera
- Pix Tests
- Interviews
- Interview Tests and Impact
- Casual Interviews
- Friendly Interviews
- Hostile Interviews
- Press Conferences
- Legwork Interviews
- What Is Truth?
- Nothing but the Real Thing
- First Person
- Chip Truth
- Pix Don't Lie
- On the Beat
- Filing the Story
- When to File
- Break the Net
- Rating the Beat
- Punch Test
- Nothing but the Truth
- ...Or Consequences
- The Spike
- Outside Pressure
- End of Story
- The Ratings Game
- Baseball
- North American League
- Baseball and Cyberware
- NAL Teams
- Basketball
- Basketball and Cyberware
- NABA Teams
- Football
- Football and Cyberware
- UCAS League Teams
- Freedom League Teams
- Other Pro Sports
- Court Ball
- Magic and Metahumans in Pro Sports
- Women in Pro Sports
- Amateur Sports
- The Olympics
- Mano A Mano
- Individual Combat
- Lethal Sports
- Combat Biker
- The WCCL
- The Arena
- The Bikers
- The Weapons
- The Armor
- The Bikes
- Other Equipment
- The Game
- Urban Brawl
- Urban Brawl Leagues
- North American Urban Brawl
- Franchises
- Arena Brawl
- The Brawl Zone
- The Weapons
- The Armor
- The Ball
- The Game
- Oftense Vs. Defense
- Brawler Down
- Scoring
- Penalties
- Officials
- Baseball
- Basics of Simsense
- Simsense Production
- The Performers
- Performance Methods
- Stand-ins and Special Effects
- Magic and Simsense
- The Director
- The Wet Record
- What Goes into Sim?
- Entertainment Sims
- Docusims
- Educational Simsense
- Simsense Post-Production
- The Simsynth
- CPU Controllers
- Patch Injection Drivers
- Experience Output Sampler
- Output Formats
- POV Playback Modes
- Sense Decks
- ASIST Interface
- RAS Overrides
- Legal Constraints
- Peak Controllers
- Sublims
- Simsense Abuse
- New Twists
- Getting Clean
- New Skills
- Portacam
- Dancing
- Electronic Music
- Interview
- Musical Composition
- Musical Instrument
- Musical Production
- Reporting
- Singing
- Sports
- Network Affiliation
- Network Employment
- Rocker Status
- Newbie
- Opener
- Seller
- Solid
- Star
- Novastar
- SINs
- SINners in the Shadows
- New Skills
- Sight
- Portacams and Cybercams
- Portacam Bases
- Camgoggles
- Cyberoptics
- Smartcam
- Transmitter Links
- Tridisynths and Mixers
- Pirate Equipment
- Sound
- Musical Instruments
- Sound Systems
- Instrument Costs
- Programmable ASIST
- Biofeedback
- Simsense Gear
- Simsense Rig
- Simlinks
- Simths
- ASIST Enablers
- Patch Injection Driver
- Signal-Peak Controller
- DIR-X Experience Sampler
- ACT Experience Sampler
- Sense Decks
- Storage Media
- Compact Disks
- Headware Memory
- Optical Memory Chips
- Data Storage Requirements
- Trideo Services
- Sight