Quelle, en: Hazard Pay
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Verlag: Catalyst Game Labs | |
Nummer: E-CAT26210 | |
Edition: 4 | |
Erschienen: 09.05.12 | |
Sprache: englisch | |
Format: Print/eBook | |
Einband: Softcover | |
Seitenanzahl: 168 | |
Dateigröße: 11.48 MB | |
Preis: 34,99 $ (print) / 25 $ (eBook) | |
Hazard Pay ist ein Quellenbuch für die Vierte Edition von Shadowrun.
- Snow Emergency
- Protectors and Despoilers
- Deep Sea
- Arctic Wastelands
- Space
- Deserts
- Game Information
Ergänztes Inoffizielles Inhaltsverzeichnis
- The Protectors
- Aqua Arcana
- Astral Space Preservation Society
- Gaia’s Forsaken
- Globewatch
- Shasta Shamans
- United Talismongers Association
- The Despoilers
- Blood Mages
- Insect Shamans
- Shadow Spirits
- Toxic Shamans
- The Protectors
- Aquafarming
- Deep-Sea Exploration
- Tourism, Travel and Trade
- Salvage Operations
- Talismongering/Talislegging
- The Arkoblocks
- Other Sea- based aquacologies (Current and Future)
- Ares Trident
- Aztechnology military installation (Aquacology)
- Evo
- Saeder-Krupp
- Red Wheel Engineering Maximum Security Prison
- The Yonaguni Monument
- Shiawase
- Atlantean Foundation
- Private collectors
- Environment
- Terrain
- Survival Tips
- Putting the Right Team Together
- Natural Phenomena
- Polar Night and Midnight Sun
- Aurora Polaris
- Other solar phenomena
- Acoustic Phenomena
- Wildlife
- Gear
- Clothing
- Weapons
- Vehicles
- Spells
- Arctic Areas
- Trans-Polar Aleut
- Athabaskan Council
- Algonkian-Manitou Council
- Quebec
- Other Arctic Areas of Interest
- Antarctic Areas of Interest
- Wuxing Geomancy Research Station #12
- Draco Foundation Research
- Vessel Lindsay Marie
- The Yorick Society
- Fort McAbee Launch Facility
- Working in Antarctica
- Other Places of Interest
- Environment
- Swimming in the Void
- Historical Overview
- Early Space History
- Turn of the Century
- The Crash of 2029
- New Space Race
- Crash 2.0
- Post-Crash 2.0 and Space Operations Today
- Operating in Space
- Space Basics : Topography
- Space Basics : Survival
- Getting into space
- Space Operations Today
- Operating in Space: Laws and Regulations
- Space Rescue Service
- Known Launch Facilities
- Prominent launch Sites and Aerospace Ports
- Space-capable Aerospace Ports
- Low-Earth Orbit Stations
- Geosynchronous Orbit Stations
- Lagrange Point Stations
- Extraterrestrial Space Stations and Facilities
- The Mojave: The Spirits Are Killing, the Flesh Is Weak
- Sahara
- Arabian
- Australian Outback
- Surviving the Desert
- Advances in Magic
- Desert Gear
Informationen |