458 Erich Schriner -> siehe Dopplungen unten
INSERT INTO contributors(forename_first) VALUES('Liam.C'); +[ID] Petrov Miroslav
Shadowrun TCG:
+[ID] Hudson Heather +[ID] Ho Patrick +[ID] Fischer Scott M +[ID] Gregory Barry +[ID] Goleash Grant
Shadowrun Lockdown (die Namen habe ich überprüft, s.u.; Dário Coelho ist uncredited, hat aber das Lockdown Cover zusammen mit Johannes Mücke gemacht):
+[ID] Coelho Dário
Tomek Wrotek (Lockdown) -- Wrotek ein Anagram von Tworek?
HBS-Artist und zwei Autoren aus der SR Anthology (weblinks s.u.): +[ID] Ishmael Tristin
1588 Heather Hudson +[ID] Liam C. +[ID] Miroslav Petrov +[ID] +[ID] +[ID] deviantart mikeypetrov +[ID] twitter Soulsart Scott Fischer (id missing) +[ID] Grant Goleasch (id missing) Dário Coelho (id missing) +[ID] +[ID] artstation dariocoelho +[ID] deviantart dariocoelho +[ID] facebook coelhodario +[ID] twitter DarioDraws Tristin Ishmael +[ID] +[ID] facebook tristin.ishmael +[ID] artstation sailormonkey +[ID] twitter Tristinishmael Kathy Schad +[ID] Gary Ruddell +[ID] wpen Gary Ruddell +[ID] aventurica Gary Ruddell +[ID] isfdb-ea 1813 Stephan Martinière +[ID] +[ID] facebook smartiniere +[ID] twitter smartiniere Jan Meininghaus +[ID] +[ID] facebook jan.meininghaus +[ID] behance jan-meininghaus Fred Gambino +[ID] Attila Boros +[ID] isfdb-ea 145765 Thierry Doizon +[ID] +[ID] facebook thierry.doizon +[ID] twitter barontieri +[ID] deviantart barontieri +[ID] blogspot barontieri +[ID] tumblr barontieri
Ich habe sehr viel recherchiert und mittlerweile fast alle Cover-Illustratoren der Romane vollständig. War erstaunlich viel Arbeit, ehrlich gesagt!
Thierry Doizon [+id] 1369 illustration cover art [+id] 1263 illustration cover art Jim Burns [+id] 9040 illustration cover art [+id] 1755 illustration cover art [+id] 9079 illustration cover art [+id] 8810 illustration cover art Jan Meininghaus [+id] 115 illustration cover art Stephan Martinière [+id] 4667 illustration cover art [+id] 9387 illustration cover art Fred Gambino [+id] 6545 illustration cover art Mark Harrison [+id] 1657 illustration cover art Garry Ruddell [+id] 2567 illustration cover art [+id] 8834 illustration cover art [+id] 5065 illustration cover art [+id] 1263 illustration cover art Kathy Schad [+id] 6543 illustration cover art [+id] 6339 illustration cover art Catherine Beck [+id] 1657 text Vorwort Anja Brandel [+id] 1657 text Hunger Olka Hallwasz [+id] 1657 text Nachtschicht Markolf Hoffmann [+id] 1657 text In Poseidons Armen Alice Lengauer [+id] 1657 text Hunger Marion Lohe [+id] 1657 text Geisterstunde Peter Merten [+id] 1657 text Mjölnir Simon Möller [+id] 1657 text Kein großer Verlust Thomas Palmen [+id] 1657 text Rose Florian Schlüter [+id] 1657 text Holometabolie Stefan Sumser [+id] 1657 text Der Todesbote
SR4 Anniversary (vgl. Anmerkungen in der Diskussion; Problemfälle) +[ID] 2891 7 center Problemfall +[ID] 2891 9 quarter-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 10-11 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 12 half-left Problemfall +[ID] 2891 16 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 149 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 149 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 149 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 149 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 149 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 184 third-lower Problemfall +[ID] 2891 227 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 276-277 half-middle Problemfall +[ID] 2891 289 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 289 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 290 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 290 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 290 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 291 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 291 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 291 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 292 sixth-w Problemfall +[ID] 2891 295 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 295 sixth-s Problemfall +[ID] 2891 295 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 298 sixth-ne Problemfall +[ID] 2891 298 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 298 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 313 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 316 third-upper Problemfall +[ID] 2891 316 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 316 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-w Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-ne Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 317 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 318 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 318 sixth-w Problemfall +[ID] 2891 318 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 318 sixth-ne Problemfall +[ID] 2891 318 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 318 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 319 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 319 sixth-ne Problemfall +[ID] 2891 319 sixth-ne Problemfall +[ID] 2891 319 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 319 sixth-se Problemfall +[ID] 2891 320 sixth-w Problemfall +[ID] 2891 320 sixth-sw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 320 sixth-ne Problemfall +[ID] 2891 320 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 320 sixth-e Problemfall +[ID] 2891 323 half-left Problemfall +[ID] 2891 328 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 328 sixth-nw Problemfall +[ID] 2891 338 sixth-w Problemfall +[ID] 2891 340 half-lower Problemfall +[ID] 2891 352 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 352 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 352 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 352 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 352 Problemfall +[ID] 2891 352 Problemfall
Kategorie von High Caliber Ops müsste man sich überlegen (analog dazu Underworld vom Shadowrun TCG). Die Videospiele aufzunehmen macht Sinn, wenn wir die Contributors ebenfalls aufnehmen (womit wir ja angefangen haben). Ob die in "sources" gehören oder in eine eigene Tabelle ist eine offene Frage. Auch ob jede Sprachfassung eine eigene ID bekommen soll (besser nicht!?). DLC wie Shadows of Hong Kong braucht eigene IDs, weil sie eigene Credits usw. haben.
+[ID] Shadowrun: Crossfire en card game +[ID] Shadowrun: High Caliber Ops en card game +[ID] Shadowrun (SNES) en video game +[ID] Shadowrun (Mega Drive) en video game +[ID] Shadowrun (Mega-CD) jp video game +[ID] Shadowrun (2007) en video game +[ID] Shadowrun Returns en video game +[ID] Shadowrun: Dragonfall en video game +[ID] Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director's Cut en video game +[ID] Shadowrun: Hong Kong en video game +[ID] Shadowrun Chronicles en video game +[ID] Shadowrun: Shadows of Hong Kong en DLC
- 458 - Erich Schreiner
- 4451 - Erich Schriner
- 3077 - Joshua Howell
- 7157 - Joshua Rowell
- 7468 - Larry Almore
- 8047 - Larry Elmore
- 5665 - Jacob Glaser
- 8919 - Jason Glaser