Shadowhelix:Datenbank/Vorschläge: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Shadowhelix
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(-contribution (fehlende Illustratoren))
Zeile 129: Zeile 129:

Ich habe mal abgeglichen, welche Illustratoren in Contributions pro Quelle stehen und dies verglichen mit den Illustratoren, die in contributions_illustrations pro Quelle angegeben sind. Folgende Einträge fehlen in contributions bislang:
133 19 illustration
4485 19 illustration
6077 19 illustration
7765 19 illustration
3536 80 illustration u
4180 172 illustration u
7645 172 illustration u
1588 789 illustration u
8147 789 illustration
133 869 illustration
6206 869 illustration
6690 869 illustration
133 1046 illustration
3904 1046 illustration
7765 1046 illustration
2520 1160 illustration
5848 1160 illustration
6930 1289 illustration u
6933 1707 illustration u
773 1707 illustration u
1588 1945 illustration u
5747 1945 illustration
5790 1945 illustration u
6666 1945 illustration u
8427 1945 illustration u
1588 2008 illustration
1588 2313 illustration u
2767 2313 illustration u
4180 2313 illustration u
4845 2313 illustration u
7645 2313 illustration u
133 2833 illustration
3098 2833 illustration
6690 2833 illustration
7765 2833 illustration
8147 2833 illustration
1695 2966 illustration u
2620 2966 illustration u
8001 2966 illustration u
8055 3237 illustration u
9785 3237 illustration u
133 3689 illustration
7765 3689 illustration
8046 3689 illustration
5176 4027 illustration u
2520 4038 illustration u
7177 4038 illustration
8051 4038 illustration u
5720 4160 illustration u
8923 4160 illustration u
3402 4190 illustration u
3510 4190 illustration u
6698 4190 illustration u
8964 4190 illustration u
2894 4513 illustration u
40 4630 illustration u
8686 4630 illustration u
133 4661 illustration
4485 4661 illustration
7765 4661 illustration
133 4775 illustration
4485 4775 illustration
7765 4775 illustration
2520 4817 illustration u
7177 4817 illustration
1997 5296 illustration
2520 5296 illustration u
7765 5296 illustration u
133 5662 illustration u
2947 5662 illustration
6357 5662 illustration
7765 5662 illustration
8123 5662 illustration u
133 6086 illustration
2520 6086 illustration
7765 6086 illustration
8109 6202 illustration u
6131 6427 illustration u
1009 6600 illustration u
3034 6600 illustration u
4180 6600 illustration u
5176 6600 illustration u
773 7003 illustration u
133 7403 illustration
4485 7403 illustration
8923 7813 illustration u
133 8001 illustration
3904 8001 illustration
7765 8001 illustration
903 8488 illustration u
2820 8571 illustration u
7645 8571 illustration u
133 8870 illustration
7765 8870 illustration
4180 8945 illustration u
9450 9450 illustration u
1683 9537 illustration
1997 9537 illustration
2520 9537 illustration u
4662 9537 illustration
6550 9537 illustration
133 9871 illustration
4485 9871 illustration
7765 9871 illustration


Version vom 21. April 2016, 14:44 Uhr




458	Erich Schriner
-> siehe Dopplungen unten


INSERT INTO contributors(forename_first) VALUES('Liam.C');

Shadowrun Online - Portraits
+[ID]	Petrov		Miroslav				

Shadowrun TCG
+[ID]	Hudson		Heather				
+[ID]	Ho		Patrick				

Shadowrun Lockdown (die Namen habe ich überprüft, s.u.;
Dário Coelho ist uncredited, hat aber das Lockdown Cover zusammen mit Johannes Mücke gemacht):
+[ID]	Coelho		Dário				

Tomek Wrotek (Lockdown)
-- Wrotek ein Anagram von Tworek?


Update vom 17.04.:


Heather Hudson

Liam C.

Miroslav Petrov
+[ID]	carbonmade	artofmiro	
+[ID]	blogspot	soulsart	
+[ID]	deviantart	mikeypetrov	
+[ID]	twitter	Soulsart	
+[ID]	instagram	mikeypetrov	
+[ID]	behance	Soulsurvivor	

Dário Coelho (id missing)

+[ID]	artstation	dariocoelho	
+[ID]	deviantart	dariocoelho	
+[ID]	facebook	coelhodario	
+[ID]	twitter	DarioDraws	

Attila Boros
+[ID]	isfdb-ea	145765	


3808	deviantart	greenboxx	
3808	artstation	mariusz	
3808	carbonmade	mariuszgandzel	
8869	deviantart	markbulahao	
879	artstation	antihelios	
7323	deviantart	moulunerie	
7323	facebook	Regis.Moulun.Art	
7619	blogspot	deschampsart	
7619	twitter	deschampsart	
974	blogspot	johan-egerkrans	
974	facebook	johanegerkranspublic	
6190	tumblr	marcomazzoni	
6190	facebook	Marco-Mazzoni-150873907978	
6190	instagram	marcomazzoniart	
4657	deviantart	creatorpwned	
4657	twitter	creatorpwned	
4551	twitter	evasburg	
4551	artstation	vasburg	
4029	deviantart	rhstillwell	
1161	facebook	atomicdogstudio	
6724	artstation	donaldcrank	
6724	deviantart	laskroto	
8905	twitter	ESBrewerton	
8905	twitch	EthanSBrewerton	
8905	facebook	john.zeleznik.7	
8905	deviantart	zeleznik	
8905	artstation	zeleznik	
2568	facebook	Igor-Kieryluk-115707815193569	
2568	artstation	igorkieryluk	
7413	artstation	rickotey	
7413	facebook	rick.otey	
7413	deviantart	rickotey	
7413	cgsociety	rickotey	
7413	wordpress	rickotey	
5600	artstation	jamesmosingo	
5600	tumblr	jamesmosingo	
5600	deviantart	mosingo	
8427	facebook	TheArtOfTereseNielsen	
1936	deviantart	kovah	
5964	deviantart	jamescorywebster	
5964	facebook	jcorywebster	
5964	tumblr	jamescorywebster		



Folgende IDs zusammenführen (immer jeweils die einzelnen Zeilen zu einer ID):
135482	276194
724391	479016
982740	705649
631927	743528
817034	480593
427598	871964	148950
452136	923057
47918	810629
943160	237906
150843	143695
281436	508619



[+id]	4535		cv		full
[+id]	4535		back		full
[+id]	4535		1		full
[+id]	4535		8		half-right
[+id]	4535		12		half-upper
[+id]	4535		19		half-upper
[+id]	4535		30		half-upper
[+id]	4535		38		half-right
[+id]	4535		47		half-left
[+id]	4535		48		half-right
[+id]	4535		52		full
[+id]	4535		54		half-upper
[+id]	4535		56		half-right
[+id]	4535		58		half-upper
[+id]	4535		62		half-left
[+id]	4535		67		half-upper
903582	4535		71		half-upper
[+id]	4535		74		half-upper
[+id]	4535		75		half-right
[+id]	4535		82		half-upper
[+id]	4535		86		half-upper
[+id]	4535		89		half-right
[+id]	4535		92		half-upper
[+id]	4535		98		half-right
[+id]	4535		100		half-upper
[+id]	4535		111		half-left
[+id]	4535		113		half-upper
[+id]	4535		116		full
[+id]	4535		124		half-right
[+id]	4535		128		full
[+id]	4535		131		half-upper
[+id]	4535		143		half-upper
[+id]	4535		152		half-right
[+id]	4535		158		half-upper
[+id]	4535		169		half-upper
[+id]	4535		171		half-upper

Digital Grimoire:

[+id]	155		4		sixth-sw	
[+id]	155		15		quarter-nw	
[+id]	155		16		third-upper	
SR4 Anniversary (vgl. Anmerkungen in der Diskussion; Problemfälle)
+[ID]	2891		7		center	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		9		quarter-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		10-11			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		12		half-left	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		16		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		149			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		149			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		149			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		149			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		149			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		184		third-lower	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		227		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		276-277		half-middle	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		289		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		289		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		290		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		290		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		290		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		291		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		291		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		291		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		292		sixth-w	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		295		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		295		sixth-s	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		295		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		298		sixth-ne	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		298		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		298		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		313		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		316		third-upper	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		316		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		316		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-w	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-ne	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		317		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		318		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		318		sixth-w	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		318		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		318		sixth-ne	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		318		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		318		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		319		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		319		sixth-ne	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		319		sixth-ne	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		319		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		319		sixth-se	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		320		sixth-w	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		320		sixth-sw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		320		sixth-ne	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		320		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		320		sixth-e	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		323		half-left	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		328		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		328		sixth-nw	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		338		sixth-w	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		340		half-lower	Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		352			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		352			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		352			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		352			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		352			Problemfall
+[ID]	2891		352			Problemfall


Kategorie von High Caliber Ops müsste man sich überlegen (analog dazu Underworld vom Shadowrun TCG). Die Videospiele aufzunehmen macht Sinn, wenn wir die Contributors ebenfalls aufnehmen (womit wir ja angefangen haben). Ob die in "sources" gehören oder in eine eigene Tabelle ist eine offene Frage. Auch ob jede Sprachfassung eine eigene ID bekommen soll (besser nicht!?). DLC wie Shadows of Hong Kong braucht eigene IDs, weil sie eigene Credits usw. haben.

+[ID]	Shadowrun: Crossfire	en	card game
+[ID]	Shadowrun: High Caliber Ops	en	card game
+[ID]	Shadowrun (SNES)	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun (Mega Drive)	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun (Mega-CD)	jp	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun (2007)	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun Returns	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun: Dragonfall	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director's Cut	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun: Hong Kong	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun Chronicles	en	video game
+[ID]	Shadowrun: Shadows of Hong Kong	en	DLC



  • 458 - Erich Schreiner
  • 4451 - Erich Schriner
  • 3077 - Joshua Howell
  • 7157 - Joshua Rowell
  • 7468 - Larry Almore
  • 8047 - Larry Elmore
  • 5665 - Jacob Glaser
  • 8919 - Jason Glaser