Shadowhelix:Datenbank/Vorschläge: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Shadowhelix
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(→‎contribution_illustration: +Ghost Cartels and Boardroom Backstabs)
(→‎illustration_source: +Ghost Cartels and Boardroom Backstabs)
Zeile 194: Zeile 194:

Ghost Cartels:
o15746180 o61900501 back full
o17974471 o61900501 cv full
o83937431 o61900501 1 full
o51339406 o61900501 4 full
o51937838 o61900501 7 full
o81611642 o61900501 22 quarter-ne
o56564720 o61900501 30 quarter-nw
o07672353 o61900501 31 half-lower
o30268339 o61900501 42 quarter-ne
o21476868 o61900501 48 quarter-ne
o18848597 o61900501 52 quarter-ne
o54484071 o61900501 57 half-upper
o69178260 o61900501 59 half-upper
o85746428 o61900501 61 full
o99134112 o61900501 64 quarter-ne
o18875597 o61900501 67 quarter-ne
o19379380 o61900501 74 quarter-ne
o10636089 o61900501 75 half-lower
o88834490 o61900501 76 half-upper
o15561780 o61900501 79 half-middle
o07123034 o61900501 81 quarter-ne
o76734067 o61900501 83 half-lower
o54043132 o61900501 85 full
o86930258 o61900501 93 full
o86180657 o61900501 98 half-middle
o86218064 o61900501 99 quarter-nw
o83786066 o61900501 104 half-right
o19995464 o61900501 107 half-upper
o31486923 o61900501 110 quarter-nw
o21078983 o61900501 113 half-middle
o12042849 o61900501 115 quarter-nw
o98478640 o61900501 120 full
o82685621 o61900501 123 quarter-nw
o55361427 o61900501 127 full
o41993024 o61900501 133 quarter-nw
o19384771 o61900501 136 quarter-nw
o74384383 o61900501 139 half-lower
o99031437 o61900501 141 half-upper
o04918037 o61900501 144 quarter-ne
o16594111 o61900501 145 half-lower
o57873535 o61900501 149 half-lower
o55149088 o61900501 153 full
o37214350 o61900501 156 quarter-ne
o07923968 o61900501 160 quarter-se
Damage Control:
o44609909 o72577236 cv full
o69430372 o72577236 back full
o31022166 o72577236 1 full
o85287884 o72577236 4 full
o23843459 o72577236 9 half-upper
o57034498 o72577236 14 half-upper
o26457751 o72577236 19 half-upper
o06943275 o72577236 27 half-upper
o71270929 o72577236 34 half-right
o42679849 o72577236 35 half-upper
o50950258 o72577236 42 center
o65328600 o72577236 43 half-right
o54439009 o72577236 49 half-right
o04894982 o72577236 50 half-lower
Sacrificial Limb:
o56926261 o02826855 back full
o84912585 o02826855 cv full
o25388959 o02826855 1 full
o23503169 o02826855 8 half-upper
o43463123 o02826855 11 half-upper
o76701003 o02826855 17 half-right
o96626904 o02826855 27 half-upper
o25034730 o02826855 30 half-left
o71985599 o02826855 38 quarter-sw
o10390646 o02826855 41 half-left
Battle of Manhattan
o75384506 o01399750 cv full
o39135032 o01399750 back half-right
o50362390 o01399750 1 full
o62397259 o01399750 10 half-upper
o63040807 o01399750 16 half-upper
o43128954 o01399750 20 half-left
o15954404 o01399750 21 half-upper
o83790293 o01399750 28 half-left
o54087371 o01399750 30 half-right
o62309856 o01399750 44 half-right
o99782548 o01399750 45 quarter-se
o71244848 o01399750 47 quarter-sw


Version vom 13. Mai 2016, 08:15 Uhr




458	Erich Schriner
-> siehe Dopplungen unten


INSERT INTO contributors(forename_first) VALUES('Liam.C');

Shadowrun Online - Portraits
+[ID]	Petrov		Miroslav				

Shadowrun TCG
+[ID]	Hudson		Heather				
+[ID]	Ho		Patrick				

Shadowrun Lockdown (die Namen habe ich überprüft, s.u.;
Dário Coelho ist uncredited, hat aber das Lockdown Cover zusammen mit Johannes Mücke gemacht):
+[ID]	Coelho		Dário				

Tomek Wrotek (Lockdown)
-- Wrotek ein Anagram von Tworek?


Update vom 17.04.:


Heather Hudson

Liam C.

Dário Coelho

Attila Boros
+[ID]	isfdb-ea	145765	


Dário Coelho
+[ID]	artstation	dariocoelho	
+[ID]	deviantart	dariocoelho	
+[ID]	facebook	coelhodario	
+[ID]	twitter	DarioDraws	

Miroslav Petrov
+[ID]	carbonmade	artofmiro	
+[ID]	blogspot	soulsart	
+[ID]	deviantart	mikeypetrov	
+[ID]	twitter	Soulsart	
+[ID]	instagram	mikeypetrov	
+[ID]	behance	Soulsurvivor	

3808	deviantart	greenboxx	
3808	artstation	mariusz	
3808	carbonmade	mariuszgandzel	
7323	deviantart	moulunerie	
7323	facebook	Regis.Moulun.Art	
974	blogspot	johan-egerkrans	
974	facebook	johanegerkranspublic	
6190	tumblr	marcomazzoni	
6190	facebook	Marco-Mazzoni-150873907978	
6190	instagram	marcomazzoniart	
4657	deviantart	creatorpwned	
4657	twitter	creatorpwned	
4029	deviantart	rhstillwell	
1161	facebook	atomicdogstudio	
6724	artstation	donaldcrank	
6724	deviantart	laskroto	
2568	facebook	Igor-Kieryluk-115707815193569	
2568	artstation	igorkieryluk	
8427	facebook	TheArtOfTereseNielsen	
1936	deviantart	kovah	



Bitte ids zusammenfügen:
o51339406	o85746428
o54439009	o97011169

Ghost Cartels:
o35760047	o15746180
o35760047	o83937431
o54123985	o51339406
o83753688	o51937838
o83753688	o81611642
o83753688	o56564720
o82535164	o07672353
o82535164	o30268339
o83753688	o21476868
o83753688	o18848597
o83753688	o69178260
o54123985	o85746428
o54123985	o99134112
o54123985	o18875597
o54123985	o19379380
o82535164	o10636089
o54123985	o88834490
o82535164	o15561780
o54123985	o07123034
o82535164	o76734067
o05109947	o86930258
o82535164	o86180657
o05109947	o86218064
o05109947	o83786066
o82535164	o19995464
o05109947	o31486923
o82535164	o21078983
o05109947	o12042849
o05109947	o82685621
o99380554	o55361427
o99380554	o41993024
o99380554	o19384771
o82535164	o74384383
o99380554	o99031437
o99380554	o04918037
o82535164	o16594111
o82535164	o57873535
o99380554	o37214350

Damage Control:
o55359998	o69430372
o55359998	o31022166
o54123985	o85287884
o54123985	o23843459
o82535164	o57034498
o54123985	o26457751
o54123985	o06943275
o54123985	o71270929
o82535164	o42679849
o54123985	o50950258
o54123985	o65328600
o95225568	o54439009

Sacrificial Limb:
o55359998	o56926261
o55359998	o25388959
o54123985	o23503169
o54123985	o43463123
o54123985	o76701003
o54123985	o96626904
o54123985	o25034730
o54123985	o71985599
o54123985	o10390646

Battle of Manhattan:
o55359998	o39135032
o55359998	o50362390
o82535164	o62397259
o54123985	o63040807
o54123985	o43128954
o82535164	o15954404
o54123985	o83790293
o54123985	o54087371
o54123985	o62309856
o54123985	o99782548
o54123985	o71244848

o34210373	o52633776
o53867952	o33308053
o53867952	o11427426
o53867952	o15810935


Ghost Cartels:
o15746180	o61900501				back		full	
o17974471	o61900501				cv		full	
o83937431	o61900501				1		full	
o51339406	o61900501				4		full	
o51937838	o61900501				7		full	
o81611642	o61900501				22		quarter-ne	
o56564720	o61900501				30		quarter-nw	
o07672353	o61900501				31		half-lower	
o30268339	o61900501				42		quarter-ne	
o21476868	o61900501				48		quarter-ne	
o18848597	o61900501				52		quarter-ne	
o54484071	o61900501				57		half-upper	
o69178260	o61900501				59		half-upper	
o85746428	o61900501				61		full	
o99134112	o61900501				64		quarter-ne	
o18875597	o61900501				67		quarter-ne	
o19379380	o61900501				74		quarter-ne	
o10636089	o61900501				75		half-lower	
o88834490	o61900501				76		half-upper	
o15561780	o61900501				79		half-middle	
o07123034	o61900501				81		quarter-ne	
o76734067	o61900501				83		half-lower	
o54043132	o61900501				85		full	
o86930258	o61900501				93		full	
o86180657	o61900501				98		half-middle	
o86218064	o61900501				99		quarter-nw	
o83786066	o61900501				104		half-right	
o19995464	o61900501				107		half-upper	
o31486923	o61900501				110		quarter-nw	
o21078983	o61900501				113		half-middle	
o12042849	o61900501				115		quarter-nw	
o98478640	o61900501				120		full	
o82685621	o61900501				123		quarter-nw	
o55361427	o61900501				127		full	
o41993024	o61900501				133		quarter-nw	
o19384771	o61900501				136		quarter-nw	
o74384383	o61900501				139		half-lower	
o99031437	o61900501				141		half-upper	
o04918037	o61900501				144		quarter-ne	
o16594111	o61900501				145		half-lower	
o57873535	o61900501				149		half-lower	
o55149088	o61900501				153		full	
o37214350	o61900501				156		quarter-ne	
o07923968	o61900501				160		quarter-se	

Damage Control:
o44609909	o72577236				cv		full	
o69430372	o72577236				back		full	
o31022166	o72577236				1		full	
o85287884	o72577236				4		full	
o23843459	o72577236				9		half-upper	
o57034498	o72577236				14		half-upper	
o26457751	o72577236				19		half-upper	
o06943275	o72577236				27		half-upper	
o71270929	o72577236				34		half-right	
o42679849	o72577236				35		half-upper	
o50950258	o72577236				42		center	
o65328600	o72577236				43		half-right	
o54439009	o72577236				49		half-right	
o04894982	o72577236				50		half-lower	

Sacrificial Limb:
o56926261	o02826855				back		full	
o84912585	o02826855				cv		full	
o25388959	o02826855				1		full	
o23503169	o02826855				8		half-upper	
o43463123	o02826855				11		half-upper	
o76701003	o02826855				17		half-right	
o96626904	o02826855				27		half-upper	
o25034730	o02826855				30		half-left	
o71985599	o02826855				38		quarter-sw	
o10390646	o02826855				41		half-left	

Battle of Manhattan
o75384506	o01399750				cv		full	
o39135032	o01399750				back		half-right	
o50362390	o01399750				1		full	
o62397259	o01399750				10		half-upper	
o63040807	o01399750				16		half-upper	
o43128954	o01399750				20		half-left	
o15954404	o01399750				21		half-upper	
o83790293	o01399750				28		half-left	
o54087371	o01399750				30		half-right	
o62309856	o01399750				44		half-right	
o99782548	o01399750				45		quarter-se	
o71244848	o01399750				47		quarter-sw	



Ich vermisse in dieser Tabelle den Metatyp. Vorstellbar wären ferner Beruf und Geburtsjahr...

[+id]	Johnny "Junior" Torinni	m
[+id]	Johnny Altenburg	m
[+id]	Juan Xihuitl	m
[+id]	Maggie Goldberg	f
[+id]	Laurent Nazaire	m
[+id]	Moreau	m
[+id]	Tosh Athack	m
[+id]	Athena Tatopoulos	f
[+id]	Joe Martin	m
[+id]	Pip	m
[+id]	Lin Yao Chang	m
[+id]	James Grey	m
[+id]	Fiona Craig	f
[+id]	Simon Andrews	m
[+id]	Quantum Princess / Vanessa Rodriguez	f
[+id]	Nick Ryder	m
[+id]	Becky 99	f
[+id]	Sid Gambetti	m
[+id]	Matt Wrath	m
[+id]	Martin Tate	m
[+id]	Goober	m
[+id]	Lothan the Wise	m
[+id]	Sarah Silverleaf	f


(die Abbildungen der Kontakte könntest du direkt auch über index_illustration_person zuordnen, wenn du magst (vgl. Erweiterungen von persons):

Mac Callister:
Laurent Nazaire:
[+id]	509321
[+id]	126498
Tosh Athack:
[+id]	528346
Athena Tatopoulos:
[+id]	631425
Joe Martin:
[+id]	16874
[+id]	274918
Lin Yao Chang:
[+id]	95678
Simon Andrews (AAS):
[+id]	195403
James Grey:
[+id]	57618
Fiona Craig:
[+id]	195736
Simon Andrews (DW):
[+id]	219548
Vanessa Rodriguez (Quantum Princess):
[+id]	964532
Nick Ryder:
[+id]	214736
Becky 99:
[+id]	346289
Sid Gambetti:
[+id]	689104
Matt Wrath:
[+id]	251379
Martin Tate:
[+id]	814523
[+id]	698173
Lothan the Wise:
[+id]	580716
Sarah Silverleaf:
[+id]	687304



  • 458 - Erich Schreiner
  • 4451 - Erich Schriner
  • 3077 - Joshua Howell
  • 7157 - Joshua Rowell
  • 7468 - Larry Almore
  • 8047 - Larry Elmore
  • 5665 - Jacob Glaser
  • 8919 - Jason Glaser

illustration_source - SR4A - Nachbesserung?

SR4 Anniversary - Problemfälle

284506	2891		7		center	
628591	2891		9		quarter-se	
308249	2891		10-11			
79285	2891		12		half-left	
507219	2891		16		sixth-sw	
408165	2891		149			
924570	2891		149			
913580	2891		149			
746391	2891		149			
523640	2891		149			
521046	2891		184		third-lower	
163280	2891		227		sixth-se	
79384	2891		276-277		half-middle	
460287	2891		289		sixth-e	
934056	2891		289		sixth-sw	
210547	2891		290		sixth-nw	
87369	2891		290		sixth-se	
483910	2891		290		sixth-sw	
745093	2891		291		sixth-nw	
243150	2891		291		sixth-se	
824096	2891		291		sixth-sw	
358769	2891		292		sixth-w	
471260	2891		295		sixth-sw	
954860	2891		295		sixth-s	
406297	2891		295		sixth-se	
764058	2891		298		sixth-ne	
563120	2891		298		sixth-e	
129568	2891		298		sixth-se	
502798	2891		313		sixth-e	
468372	2891		316		third-upper	
319602	2891		316		sixth-e	
852104	2891		316		sixth-se	
84521	2891		317		sixth-nw	
42657	2891		317		sixth-w	
823650	2891		317		sixth-sw	
789120	2891		317		sixth-ne	
862309	2891		317		sixth-e	
408932	2891		317		sixth-e	
19562	2891		317		sixth-se	
439601	2891		318		sixth-nw	
426958	2891		318		sixth-w	
517849	2891		318		sixth-sw	
573849	2891		318		sixth-ne	
394805	2891		318		sixth-e	
768045	2891		318		sixth-se	
532764	2891		319		sixth-nw	
548920	2891		319		sixth-ne	
521087	2891		319		sixth-ne	
165379	2891		319		sixth-e	
85963	2891		319		sixth-se	
196432	2891		320		sixth-w	
74586	2891		320		sixth-sw	
360158	2891		320		sixth-ne	
807235	2891		320		sixth-e	
619237	2891		320		sixth-e	
417623	2891		323		half-left	
781325	2891		328		sixth-nw	
243958	2891		328		sixth-nw	
612975	2891		338		sixth-w	
259710	2891		340		half-lower	
601935	2891		352			
510746	2891		352			
37264	2891		352			
45978	2891		352			
872019	2891		352			
196807	2891		352