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15:24, 25. Feb. 2015: GlindaOrta (Diskussion | Beiträge) löste durch die Aktion „edit“ auf der Seite „Benutzer:GlindaOrta“ den Filter 0 aus. Ergriffene Maßnahmen: Verbieten; Filterbeschreibung: (untersuchen)

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A lot of people use DSL but few know what it actually is. It's something used in 60%-75% of the homes in developed countries with over 364 million subscribers global but few folks know how it works beyond it comes in through the telephone line. The digital subscriber line covers various different technologies that use the telephone line for connecting users to the web, though it most commonly refers to asymmetric DSL, where the downloading rate is higher compared to upload rate. Nevertheless, it may help to comprehend how it operates.<br><br>How DSL Works<br><br>Phone lines are capable of handling lots of advice; although normally works out a maximum of 100 megabytes per second, one gigabyte was found in trials. It has to be comprehended that telephone supports a wide spectrum of communication bands, just like radio, where every station has part of the radio band to work with; in this case it implies that the same line that carries a telephone conversation, which is in the lower range, may also carry info in the higher range. The DSL connector used in many homes nowadays can divide the signals and send them the appropriate device.<br><br>The Complication<br><br>Telephone lines have a limitation regarding how far they could carry voice transmissions, and so demand a load coil every so often so as to boost that signal. But that same load coil that makes sound communication possible also restricts data transmission. Although the phone companies have worked out methods to permit freer data transmission, they must still cope with how many subscribers that have landlines. However, DSL is among the most effective systems for internet access, as noted by its popularity, and so will probably be around for a while. See [http://scrapetestthis2002.org [http://scrapetestthis2002.org DSL Anbieter]].


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'A lot of people use DSL but few know what it actually is. It's something used in 60%-75% of the homes in developed countries with over 364 million subscribers global but few folks know how it works beyond it comes in through the telephone line. The digital subscriber line covers various different technologies that use the telephone line for connecting users to the web, though it most commonly refers to asymmetric DSL, where the downloading rate is higher compared to upload rate. Nevertheless, it may help to comprehend how it operates.<br><br>How DSL Works<br><br>Phone lines are capable of handling lots of advice; although normally works out a maximum of 100 megabytes per second, one gigabyte was found in trials. It has to be comprehended that telephone supports a wide spectrum of communication bands, just like radio, where every station has part of the radio band to work with; in this case it implies that the same line that carries a telephone conversation, which is in the lower range, may also carry info in the higher range. The DSL connector used in many homes nowadays can divide the signals and send them the appropriate device.<br><br>The Complication<br><br>Telephone lines have a limitation regarding how far they could carry voice transmissions, and so demand a load coil every so often so as to boost that signal. But that same load coil that makes sound communication possible also restricts data transmission. Although the phone companies have worked out methods to permit freer data transmission, they must still cope with how many subscribers that have landlines. However, DSL is among the most effective systems for internet access, as noted by its popularity, and so will probably be around for a while. See [http://scrapetestthis2002.org [http://scrapetestthis2002.org DSL Anbieter]].'
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