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Einzelheiten zum Logbuch-Eintrag 1.232

11:42, 5. Jan. 2017: MarkusGalvin9 (Diskussion | Beiträge) löste durch die Aktion „edit“ auf der Seite „Benutzer:MarkusGalvin9“ den Filter 0 aus. Ergriffene Maßnahmen: Verbieten; Filterbeschreibung: (untersuchen)

Änderungen durch diese Bearbeitung

Turning your bedroom in to a romantic haven doesn&#039;t mean you must pay an indoor designer top dollar. Paraffin wax is needed in a variety of ways of cooking. 'It&#8217;s also better make use of credit cards if you&#8217;re inside a big park with plenty of people. The United States along with other countries commonly lower a flag to. Some everyone is gifted with lovely singing voices. Typically, the cause of this really is due to your number of programs running at startup as well as the resources they consume.<br><br>My my website: [http://at.logintutor.org/ at&t wireless login]


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Alter Wikitext der Seite, vor der Bearbeitung (old_wikitext)
Neuer Wikitext der Seite, nach der Bearbeitung (new_wikitext)
'Turning your bedroom in to a romantic haven doesn&#039;t mean you must pay an indoor designer top dollar. Paraffin wax is needed in a variety of ways of cooking. 'It&#8217;s also better make use of credit cards if you&#8217;re inside a big park with plenty of people. The United States along with other countries commonly lower a flag to. Some everyone is gifted with lovely singing voices. Typically, the cause of this really is due to your number of programs running at startup as well as the resources they consume.<br><br>My my website: [http://at.logintutor.org/ at&t wireless login]'
Zeitstempel der Änderung im Unix-Format (timestamp)