Quelle, en: State of the Art: 2063/Credits
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- Autoren: Eleanor Holmes (Genetech), Elissa Carey (Charmed Life: New Metamagic), Peter Millholland (Keeping the Rabble Out), Jon Szeto (Soldiers of Fortune), Michelle Lyons (Culture Shock), Rob Boyle, Drew Curtis, Eleanor Holmes, Jamie Houston, Robyn King-Nitschke (Additional Writing)
- Entwicklung: Rob Boyle
- Redaktion / Lektorat: Rob Boyle, Elissa Carey, Michelle Lyons
- Produktion: Rob Boyle
- Art Director: Rob Boyle
- Cover Art: Marc Sasso
- Umschlaggestaltung: John Bridegroom
- Illustrationen: Steve Prescott
- Layout: Jason Vargas