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At the age of 98, my dear father was still told that he had inherited his hypertension and hypercholesterolemia from him. He was a very forceful replication of yes, but he had also legad his longevity. This heritage encourages me, because I still have at least 44 years to reach your age. Yes, he had preserved excellent physical and mental faculties for a recipe as simple as his iron discipline in healthy habits and lifestyles. As he himself insisted: "Play the story and read Gregorio Marañón, who said that man should be a slave to action if he wants to live". It is obvious that longevity is a multifactorial feature in which genetic and environmental factors influence.

Without a doubt, the aging process requires permanent attention and a lot of teson. Healthy lifestyle habits, a positive attitude towards adversities and a healthy relationship with family and friends are beneficial. If we adopt these habits at an early age, it will help us achieve healthy aging. Aristotle said that "acquiring habits from young people is of absolute importance," especially if it is considered that 90% of people are afraid to become greater. The main reasons that awaken this fear are the decline of the physical state, the loss of memory and the possibility of chronic illness. Paraphrasing Plato, "fear old age, for he never comes alone." Some of these concerns are more pronounced in people under 65 years of age, but, as Pitágoras said, "a beautiful old age is the reward of a beautiful life."

If we observe evolution, it is found that, as the centuries pass, life is prolonged. Life expectancy has risen enormously, from 34 years in times past to years in the developed countries today. Japan and Spain are countries of very long population, thanks to the Mediterranean diet. Right now, the longest man is a 111-year-old Japanese. Maybe someday we'll get, like turtles, at 180. The centenarians serve as a model of aging and, as Socrates argued, "those who actually love life are those who are ageing."

Antioxidant defense systems
Throughout the evolution, the body has acquired mechanisms of defense against free radicals that attempt to prevent their production, stop or published here delay the chain oxidation reaction that triggers the radical, repair the damages that cause the macromolecules or degrade the injured ones. Antioxidant mechanisms often act in a coordinated manner. They exercise their function in specific subcellular locations and are grouped into two antioxidant defense systems: enzyme and non-enzymatic. There are many authors who have spoken about longevity. According to James Watson, Nobel Prize in Medicine, "one of the secrets of longevity is to reduce the levels of antioxidants."

The enzymatic antioxidant system is the first and best fat burning steroid line of defense against free radicals. It is composed of three main enzymes that work in chain to selectively deactivate free radicals: dismutous superoxide, which influences the longevity index; catalase, whose enzyme activity is altered by temperature and pH, and peroxidase glutathione, which has enzymatic activity in mitochondria and protects the cell against the action of free radicals.

The non-enzymatic antioxidant system includes a long series of low molecular weight compounds. The most important are vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A and reduced glutathione. It is a pity that human beings, after a genetic mutation, have stopped synthesizing vitamin C. This is not the case with other animals, such as the pig, simply click the up coming internet site who synthesizes 10 grams a day. Therefore, you can put the snout into everything without getting infected: Highly recommended Internet site vitamin C increases resistance to infection and the production of interferon and elevates the immune activity of lymphocytes. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize in Medicine, already used high doses of vitamin C. They also play an important role in the defense mediated by enzymes, without being true antioxidants, components such as coenzyme Q, manganese, flavonoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids, selenium, copper, iron and other minerals.

For this reason, traditional remedies, such as medicinal plants (curcuma, silimarin, muérdago, ginger, maca, crisantemo), or natural supplements such as resveratrol, complexes of B, royal jelly, pollen, L-carnitine, 5-HTC, NAD and NADH, 5-adenosil, binogenousine, very antioxidant quinoline. The list of active principles and valid natural substances could reach seawater, which is similar to blood plasma.

The paradigm of these habits is Thai women, who consume large doses of chrysanthemum and "aging beautifully." It comes to me the great aserto of Ernesto Sábato, best steroid stack for weight loss who reminded us that "life is so short and the craft of living so hard, that when one begins to learn it, one must die".

For this reason, I often wonder why we have abandoned the admirable custom of our ancestors who, in consuming this type of substance, raised countless inconveniences and received the vital forces of nature. Every day I am more supportive of rescuing traditional natural remedies and combining them with innovative molecules. In this sense, I live fascinated by the Walnut master formulas, which came to mix 70 active ingredients and natural substances in their well-known "triaca", used for 2,000 years.

The difficulties of living more
The environment in which we develop, with practices such as the consumption of GM foods, trans fats, exposure to pests due to migratory flows, air pollution and pesticides, among others, make it difficult to live more. These substances favour the acquisition of diseases, the triggering of disabilities and an earlier death. Efforts should be made to avoid such situations. According to Séneca, "life is like a gladiator school: live and fight."

Diet, exercise and rest
Another secret is to maintain a healthy diet, rich in all types kinds of [ steroids for cutting fat] fish, olive oil and plenty of fruit, vegetables and vegetables. In addition, 1.5–2 litres of mineral water will be drinking a day, which has a very beneficial effect, especially in the prevention of arterioesclerosis and, of course, in the prevention of colon cancer (now so frequent). It is therefore appropriate to lean on the Mediterranean diet, which contains natural antioxidants and produces a positive effect on the maintenance of cell functions, as stated by Professor Grande Covián in his research. It is incontestable that centenarians tend to be thinner and ingest, on average, less calories a day. Hypercaloric and hyperprotein diets reduce antioxidant capacity. One of the great challenges is obesity, visit this web-site as the inflammatory cytokines of the adipocytes of the abdomen add to the vascular endothelium and make it dysfunctional. As Thomas Edison said, "the doctor of the future will not treat the human body with medicines, but rather he will cure and cope with diseases with nutrition."

However, those who really want to "change their lives and have more energy" must undergo a test of intolerance to food. Then, you should drastically remove from your diet those that are harmful effects of steroids to you.

My soul friend, Nati Abascal, keeps one of the secrets of eternal youth. It dominates macrobiotic diets, biological vitamin complexes and intake of natural products such as ginger, [empty] turmeric or hibisco, or organic fruits such as coconut (increases defenses), grenade, blueberries and red fruits, within an innumerable list. Nati always tells me that only organic products are consumed at Valentino's house, [ injectable steroids names steroid cycles] something essential, since "we are what we eat." In short, the goal should be a healthy and just click the next web site balanced diet that ensures optimal contribution of all essential vitamins, what does deca do for bodybuilders minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. In this regard, Professor Walter Willet of Harvard University believes that the famous food pyramid should include the daily intake of multivitamin complexes, although, yes, of an optimal quality that guarantees bioavailability.

Our antioxidant capacity improves extraordinarily with "physical exercise". Although moderate, at least 20 minutes, three times a week, it allows us to keep the body in shape and improves our state of happiness by segregating endorphins. The ideal thing is to practice a physical-mental mix, such as Pilates, qi gong, yoga or, simply, walk. Moreover, as Joseph Adison said, "reading is to mind what exercise to the body."

Whoever wants to do sport that requires a great effort should know their cardiovascular capacity through a test of ergometry and, if necessary, a coronary angio-TAC. These tests will allow early detection of coronary ischemia and avoid sudden deaths. As Albert Einstein recalled, "life is like bicycle, you have to pedal forward so you don’t lose balance."

Another recipe to live more is to "know dream". Sleep is divided into two phases: deep sleep repairs physical fatigue; the REM, the dream phase, repairs the mental fatigue of the day. In cases of sleep-vigilia cycle alteration, melatonin supplements, in effective doses, are often clinically useful. Sleep quality is fundamental. Antonio Machado said: "If it is good to live, it is still better to dream, and the best muscle building steroid of all, to wake up".

In conclusion, the first trinomial of longevity consists of diet, exercise and rest.

Control of exposure to irrigation factors
A proper control of blood pressure and keeping it at a maximum of 130/80 mmHg is essential, as it is a silent cardiovascular risk factor, which also accelerates aging. Plasmatic levels of glucose hemoglobin glycosylated LDL 45 will also be maintained for direct and irreversible damage to vascular endothelium (the cutis of the artery). To do this, the "trans fats" of the diet will be eliminated. Another obvious beneficial effect, both at the cardiovascular level and in the brain, is the consumption of omega fatty acids 3-6-9; its paradigm is the Eskimos, which feed on seal meat, with high omega content and which, consequently, suffer less myocardial infarction. His findings on the regulation of cholesterol metabolism earned Michael Brown and Joseph Goldstein the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

On the other hand, in terms of longevity, it is essential to protect itself from repeated exposure of ultraviolet light, should steroids be legal in sports which produces premature aging. Stress and tobacco are also to be avoided, which reduce antioxidant capacity and progressively accelerate their aging. It is obvious that the ideal is to have enough time to relax or surround yourself with people who are committed to healthy lifestyles and habits that increase longevity.

It is no surprise to see people ageing with some kind of cognitive impairment, so that the real origin of numerous senile dementia is associated with "multiple brain microinfares" that reduce brain perfusion of vital areas and cause progressive cognitive impairment. It is very important to make a differential diagnosis of this type of dementia with Alzheimer's disease, with which they are so commonly confused, as it is not tireless to reiterate my admired colleague, Dr. Valentin Fuster, whom I had the honour to give the Award to Health Excellence of the European Institute of Health and Social Welfare. The key is to minimize exposure to the above-mentioned risk factors and use low doses, of mg, of acetylsalicylic acid. This is recommended by the American Heart Association, which highlights its preventive benefit for its anti-aggregating capacity.

However, the great threat of longevity comes from pathologies such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, cancer and other chronic diseases.

ATP: the molecule of life
ATP, adenosin-triphosphate acronym, is a molecule that the organism produces in mitochondria during cell breathing. It acts as the "universal energy carrier" of our body, so necessary for all its functions. The ATP is synthesized through the Krebs cycle and therefore nutrient intake must be oriented to optimize its production. One of its enzyme activators is the thyamine pyrophosphate, also known as cocarboxyilasa, which increases the energetic metabolism. Personally, I have obtained good clinical results with this substance, which so thoroughly studied Severo Ochoa, Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Tumor markers
According to the American Cancer Society, one in three citizens can get cancer and their healing depends heavily on their early diagnosis. In this context, tumor markers, which are commonly produced by tumor cells, are a key role in the blood, urine, and other body fluids. These markers can be detected in the laboratory through a sample of blood or urine. The most commonly used are CEA, CA 15-3 (mamama), CA 19-9 (colon, lung, pancreas and breast), PSA (prostate), CA 12.5 (ovaries and lymphomas), Cyfra 21.1 (pulmon), CA 72-4 (stomach), BTA (vejiga), thyroglobulin and calcitonin (thyroids), AFP and buy mexican [ anabolic steroids supplements steroids from mexico] HCG (hyga, ova, ova, ova, ogg). From my point of view, this type of test should be universalized for its usual inclusion in our cheques. Tumor markers supported by imaging tests such as PET-TAC and, in some cases, immuno-PET allow for early therapeutic approach.

State of mind
Longevity should be accompanied by a good mood, which depends primarily on high levels of neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, etc. This makes it necessary to intake supplements such as, for example, tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin synthesis. However, the most innovative technology is the "transcranial magnetic stimulation" that allows a therapeutic approach to multiple brain pathologies, including depression and memory loss. According to Gandhi, "the disease is the result not only of our actions but also of our thoughts".

Emotional conflicts
Sometimes I meet people in the cincus that I haven't seen for a while. Some have given a big draw, either caused by a disease, because they are not interested in their health at all or, on many occasions, because they have crossed the red line of emotional conflicts. Psychologically we are prepared to deal with conflicts, but if they overwhelm us they can lead to psychosomatic exhaustion, which is the last phase of stress. In this phase there are numerous clinical manifestations that place my favorite glands at the edge of the precipice: thymus, hypophysis and pineal.

At this point, we must know clearly the secret of Juvenal, a Roman poet of the 1st century who advised healthy mens in healthy corpore. This principle, applied to real life, brings great benefits.

A tip: flee and stay away from any kind of conflict. As my dear father said, "Passion can reason" and it is always better a bad deal than a good conflict, especially if it is endless. In these situations, steroids in the military remember Mario Benedetti, a Uruguayan poet, and his comforting sentence: "forgiveness is a handful of feelings that sometimes touches us when the soul weeps."

Genetic lineage
Undoubtedly, genetic heritage is essential for longevity. There are several variants of genes that can store the keys of a healthy old age. In fact, longevs or centenarians often live at least 15 years more because of a genetic variant in chromosome 9p21.3; in 80% of cases it is for Jbhnews says women carriers. A gene has recently been discovered that lengthens life, is called APOB and baptized as Matusalén. This gene carries the necessary biochemical information involved in the transport of LDL cholesterol (bad) to the liver for further degradation. Families who share variants of this gene will exceed 100 years of life. Now, let us be lucky or not to inherit the genes of longevity, we must persevere in adopting healthy habits.

Genetics, pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenetics
Recent advances in molecular genetics and human genome have allowed the identification of genes that help in the diagnosis and personalized treatment of different diseases. One of my favorite scientists, Francis Collins, a leading researcher in this field, believes that this milestone reaffirmed his faith in God and does not hesitate to say that "miracles are a real possibility".

Genetic screening is designed to know the predisposition of a person to suffer certain diseases. A saliva test can collect a sample of DNA and analyze polymorphisms to, in a personalized way, prevent and orient treatment to therapeutic targets.

The genes of longevity, as well as those responsible for different pathologies, can be known. The paradigm is the FLNC gene, discovered very recently, which is the encoder of the protein "filamine C". The formation of aggregates of this protein in the heart muscle causes hypertrophic myocardiopathy and is responsible for heart disorders and sudden death. If this knowledge is available in advance for this kind of patients, it would be possible to anticipate it, for example, to implant a defibrillator that avoids ventricular fibrillation, which is the arrhythmia that triggers sudden death.

Hence the great value that pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomy have today in personalized medicine. The first allows us to know the effect of an individual's genetic variability on certain drugs. The second facilitates the study of the molecular and genetic bases of diseases to develop new treatment pathways.

It is called epigenetics to the set of biochemical processes that modify the DNA activity without altering its sequence. The incessant thing about longevity is in the key of research, which resides in getting decipher the language of the human genome that encodes small biochemical modifications capable of regulating the expression of multiple genes.

Epigenetics is the inheritance of gene expression patterns that are not determined by genetic sequence. As an example, chimpanzee and man share 99% of genes. What distinguishes them is epigenetics, which explains the interaction of genes with the environment and lifestyle.

There are several companies that are exclusively dedicated to developing medicines that restore epigenetic changes.

Proteomics and biomarkers
Another of the secrets is the protein analysis associated with specific pathologies. Thanks to this analysis it is possible to identify "proteins" that would allow the diagnosis of the disease and predict its evolution, potentially expanding longevity. These proteins are steroids safe known with the generic name of "biomarkers" and facilitate the establishment of personalized therapies, in which the patient's casuistics are known in advance and their possible response to the treatment, in order to apply the appropriate drug.

My favorite anti-aging glands
Three glands are my favorites: thymus, pineal gland and hypophysis. The thymus weighs 10 grams and is located behind the breastbone. Its function is to produce T lymphocytes, so that our immune system resides within it. When the thymus gland is active, the organism does not age; however, and unfortunately, it involuntates with time. Another key gland is the pinal, which regulates the dream-close. Finally, the hypophysis controls the hormonal axis anti-aging. If we "returned" the pituitary and the pineal gland, several years of youth would be rescued. This would be a secret worthy of unveiling. As I always say, "imagination to power, that everything can be achieved."

Substitute hormonal therapy: testosterone, GH and DHEA
From the age of 50, there is a decrease in the levels of testosterone. This deficit is responsible for numerous health problems, including decreased sexual desire and erectile dysfunction, as well as psychological symptoms (irritability, anxiety, nervousness and depression) and somatic symptoms (sleep problems, fatigue and decreased muscle strength).

Testosterone replacement therapy (quarter injection, gel) has a very positive and effective effect to normalize the levels of this hormone. Some of these effects are increased desire and sexual activity, increased erection quality, improved well-being and mood and increased energy and just click the up coming post muscle strength.

For JBH News its part, the growth hormone has an effect on neural regeneration through the proliferation of nerve stem cells and the transformation of these into neurons. Being this key to longevity. Reparative effects have generally been observed in patients with acquired brain damage. In addition, growth hormone rebalances neurotransmitter levels, elevates beta-endorphin levels, is a mood regulator, avoids atrophy of the brain typical of age, improves brain functions and reinforces the immune system.

DHEA is an endogenous hormone that is segregated through the adrenal gland. It works as a precursor of male and female sex hormones: androgens and estrogens. It has effects on brain function, immune system, metabolism and bone tissue.

However, substitute hormonal therapies require strict medical follow-up to evaluate possible adverse effects. No patient should be self-medicated without a medical prescription, as his therapeutic use may influence the types of hormone-sensitive cancer (mamama, uterus, ovary and prostate).

Mother cells: their conversion in therapies
The research areas in stem cells are exciting and pose a huge challenge. In fact, they have a great potential to treat a wide spectrum of diseases, such as diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, spinal cord injuries and cardiovascular ailments, among many others. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka received the Nobel Prize for discovering how to transform pluripotent cells into any type of tissue, JBH News which opened the possibility of obtaining stem cells from adult cells. These investigations shed much light on the mystery surrounding longevity.

The translation of these research into clinical practice is already a reality in many pathologies. As a result, there is a wide range of "mother cell health tourism" in international hospitals, although it is appropriate to ensure their safety and effectiveness through previous clinical trials.

Telomers: avoid shortening
Telomers are complex that cover the ends of chromosomes that maintain the integrity of the genome and protect them from the aging process. Therefore, the shortening of the telomer involves the sensence of cell multiplication. With a colloquial comparison, closest supplement to [ steroids pros and cons] telomers are like the plastics of the ends of the shoelaces, which with the use are worn and shortened.

Several factors influence the process of shortening telomers: oxidative stress, overweight, sleeplessness and depression. On the contrary, the prevention of shortening is achieved with physical exercise, intake of antioxidants, resveratrol, coenzima Q10, green tea, turmeric, vitamin D3, omega-3 and minerals.

The great challenge, which currently concentrates numerous researches, is to achieve the elongation of telomers through an enzyme, the "thellomerase", and specifically in its "enzymatic activators", which are a key element in delaying aging. His discoverers, Blackburn, Greider and Szostak, were distinguished with the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

In short, JBHNews the telomerase allows the young cell to be maintained.

Medicine and aesthetic surgery
A picture is worth more than a thousand words. This principle explains the remarkable advance of medicine and aesthetic surgery. Some samples of this boom are the pulsed light for dental whitening and anti-aging treatments based on vitamin infiltrations, hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich growth factors. Another secret, and one of my favorite therapies, is facial rejuvenation, without surgery, with regeneration techniques and hydration, to recover the properties of a young skin, up to 20 years. In short, as my good friend conveys to me the British plastic surgeon who operated Lady Di, minimally invasive techniques are increasingly being used to allow us to take a few years away and project a healthier image. If you have any concerns concerning where to find steroids and ways to make use of [ body building hormone], you can call us at our web-site. The key in this case lies in knowing how to get in good hands and steroid effects on women correctly choose medical specialists that are recognized by scientific society. Let's not forget Plato's advice: "if you are looking for, you will find."

Pills that delay aging
Many philosophical systems through history have sought immortality and have inquired into the myth of the steroid source check of eternal youth. Some suggest that this eternal youth is attained through the search for wisdom and JBH News the dominion of the body. Others postulate the existence of substances that stop the biological deterioration of the organism.

Another key is apoptosis, programmed cell death, which aims to self-control the development and growth of cells. Apoptosis is triggered by genetically controlled signals, which discovered the Nobel Prizes Sydney Brenner, John Sulston and Robert Horvitz and which lay the foundations for molecular biology.

Current research focuses on active principles that can modify genetic activity and delay the process of cellular aging; in addition, they regulate longevity. This is the "longevity molecules", such as alpha-cetoglutarato (AKG) that occurs when molecules generate energy, more about which could expand our biological calendar, as Jing Huang, a researcher at the University of California, noted. In particular, I am passionate about the biotechnological molecules that can reach 50% length of life, as seen in worms in the laboratory and whose results have been published in Nature.

Combined therapies
I have described countless molecules, active principles, traditional remedies, techniques and procedures to discuss the secrets of longevity. However, in order to manage them in clinical practice, with good criteria and in appropriate doses, it is essential to cover this itinerary under medical prescription, and with longevity specialists. In this field I keep an intimate memory of my beloved and admirable colleague Dr. Christiaan Barnard, who combined his heart with longevity. I follow your steps passionately, always in search of excellence. As the wisdom of Francis of Assisi conveyed to us: "it begins to do what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you will find yourself doing what is impossible."

The art of living
Life is an art. "always the best of you and the [ christian bale steroids-did-he-really-slay-the-elephant-in-the-room/29216/ best oral trusted online steroid suppliers] will come", said my admired Teresa of Calcutta, Nobel Peace Prize. We must know how to enjoy each second, with maximum care of our body, mind and spirit. I return again to the figure of my father (+98), my paradigm as a great scientist, intellectual, painter and piano lover, so capable of reconciling his philanthropic life with his gastronomic sibarithism and spawn supplement his leukocyte counts. From my father's talent I have only been able to assimilate the habit of writing, his life art and the clinical management of blood. All this because, when I was just 12, I was forced to distinguish the lymphocytes from the basophiles. With his fierce discipline he did not cease to insist that he read Aristotle and assimilate that "intellect consists not only of knowledge, but also of the skill of applying knowledge in practice".

Heaven can wait
My conviction is firm: if we follow the itinerary described with scientific rigor and strictly piloted by gurus of medicine we will be able to extend our longevity to live more and better, since the elixir of eternal youth is hidden in "our interior". Jean-Jacques Rousseau insisted that "the man who has lived most is not the one who has fulfilled the most years, but the one who has experienced life most". To go further, let us remember Cicero's words: "the diseases of the soul are more pernicious than those of the body." As a colophon, I conclude that Heaven can wait, because according to Plato "time is a mobile image of eternity."

Manuel de la Peña, M.D., Ph.D.

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