Quelle, en: Tir Na nOg/Credits

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Design and Writing: Carl Sargent and Mark Gascoigne
Development: Tom Dowd
Editorial Staff
Senior Editor: Donna Ippolito
Associate Editor: Sharon Turner Mulvihill
Editorial Assistants: Diane Piron, Rob Cruz
Production Staff
Art Director: Jeff Laubenstein
Co-Project Managers: Jeff Laubenstein, Mark Ernst
Cover Art: Rick Berry
Cover Design: Jeff Laubenstein
Illustration: Joel Biske, Timothy Bradstreet, John Bridges, Steve Bryant, Earl Geier, Craig Gilmore, Mike Jackson, Jeff Laubenstein, Tony Szczudlo, Charles Vess, Karl Waller, Gary Washington, Alan Williams
Color Illustration: Janet Aulisio, Rick Berry, Jeff Laubenstein, David Martin, Nick Smith, Tony Szczudlo
Cartographer: Ernesto Hernandez
Layout: Mark Ernst
Keyline and Pasteup: Ernesto Hernandez