Quelle, en: DNA/DOA/Produktbeschreibung

Aus Shadowhelix
Version vom 11. Mai 2015, 13:58 Uhr von LokiBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (+DEFAULTSORT-Eintrag)
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It began as a simple datasteal...

...a Shadowrun into the Aztechnology database. Somewhere it went wrong and now you've lost the goods, lost your contacts, and your only chance is to get out of Seattle - fast.

There's just one problem: the only way out leads through the hesrt of the deadly Orc underground, a dark labyrinth beneath the city where your first wrong move my be your last.

Dave Arneson, co-creator of Dungeons And Dragons, has crafted a Shadowrun adventure fraught with danger and intrigue. DNA/DOA includes all of the information neccessary for gamemasters to launch a party of shadowrunners headlong into the nightmare world beneath the streets of Sesttle.