Quelle, en: /dev/grrl write-up

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Version vom 5. Juli 2013, 17:32 Uhr von LokiBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Anpassung Bezeichnungen)
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/dev/grrl write-up ist die ursprüngliche Kurzcharakterisierung von ​/dev/grrl, die zur Orientierung beim Schreiben mit oder über diesen Charakter dient. Das Fragment wurde von Frank Trollman veröffentlicht.

aus dem Forum The Gaming Den (März 2010):

/dev/grrl is a prodigy and she knows it, although in truth she still has a lot to learn. Thus far, her exuberance and tenacity has seen her through, and she's a fast learner. She is well aware that her age is constantly held against her, and overcompensates by obsessing over professional behavior. She gets angry when her ability or professionalism is called into question, or is called a child. /dev/grrl is the daughter of NeoNET execs, and grew up in Boston. She started working with the Matrix just after the Crash 2.0 at eight years of age (she is fifteen in 2071), and took to it like a pro. By age 14, she had created a new identity for herself and started working the shadows. She now splits her time between high school and her team, always seeking another way to prove herself. /dev/grrl first appears as a Shadowtalker in Feral Cities.
