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Aktuelle Version vom 6. November 2013, 12:34 Uhr


  • Acapulco de Juárez harbor, 115, 131
  • Acid rain, 180
  • Acquisition specialist, 62
  • Adaptive ice, 74
  • Aeropuerto
    • Benito Juárez, 171
    • Montezuma, 123
  • Aero Tierra, 123
  • Air force, 78
  • Air insertion, of assets, 126-28
  • Air Montezuma, 123, 157
  • Air pollution, 180
  • Airports, 121, 171
    • scheduled flights, 122-23
    • security, 123-24
    • unscheduled flights, 124-25
  • Alameda, 45
  • Alameda Central, 171
  • Alamo, Battle of the, 35, 39
  • Alcázars, 136
  • Alcohol, 145
  • Amazonia
    • blood magic and, 114
    • border with, 106, 130
    • Colombia annexation, 41
    • rain forests of, 114
    • spirits of, 64
    • support of rebels, 22-23
    • Venezuela annexation, 41
  • Annexation
    • of San Diego, 40
    • of Venezuela, 41
  • Architecture, 161-62
  • Ares Macrotechnoiogy, 161
    • operational profile, 73
    • Operation Big Gun, 47
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 45
    • nuclear capability of, 110
    • personnel sieve, 72
    • satellite-to-ground delivery systems, 110
  • Army, 77
  • Artificial intelligence (AI), 64-57
  • Assassinations, 16-18, 79
  • Assets
    • guarding of, 75
    • hardening of, 43
    • insertion of, 118
      • conventional channels, 119-26
      • extraordinary channels, 126-32
    • nationalizing, 43
    • pan-corporate direct action against, 43-46
  • Astral security, 74, 123-24
  • Atzcapotzalco, Juan, 57, 60-62
    • offering to, 93-94
    • rumors of, 64
  • Austin, 40
  • Autobús, 157
  • Autoroute, 16, 155, 261
  • Autosacrifice, 90
  • Avenue of the Dead, 33
  • Ávila, Miguel, 17, 36
  • Awakened creatures, 103, 130
  • Awakening, 52, 113
  • Azatlán Party, 38, 148
  • Aztec civilization, 33-34
    • deities of, 84
    • emperor, 86
    • language, 150-51
    • religion, 85-94
  • Aztec-Nahua, 150-51
  • Aztechnology Corporate Security (ACS), 73
    • border-crossing points and, 125-26
    • Jaguar Guards, 75
    • Leopard Guards, 75
    • magical security, 73-74
    • matrix security, 74
    • personnel, 177-78
    • physical security, 75
    • uniform of, 16, 75
  • Aztechnology Corporation, See also ORO Corporation
    • acquisitions, 70-71
    • behavior-modification, 57
    • business practices, 69-72
    • competitive practices, 70-71
    • Corporate Court and, 43-47, 54-55
    • corporate structure of, 58-68
    • decision-making at, 67
    • divisions of, 58
    • drug cartels and, 51-52, 141
    • economic control, 56-57
    • electoral system and, 56, 149
    • expansion practices, 70-71
    • headquarters, 58
    • history of, 51-57
    • intelligence-gathering, 78-79
    • intercorporate relationships, 71-72
    • key industry of, 69
    • magic and, 57
    • Management Information System, 61
    • management structure, 60
      • board of directors, 62-68
      • corporate politics and, 62
      • senior management team, 60-62
    • military, 76
      • air forces, 78
      • bases, 76
      • equipment, 76
      • ground forces, 77
      • naval forces, 77
      • organization of, 76-78
      • space forces, 78
    • name change, 54
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 43-47, 54
    • ownership of, 59-60
    • personal control, 57
    • pyramid, 169-70
    • recruitment by, 72
    • religion and, 88
    • security, 54, 73-75
    • subsidiaries of, 58-59
    • and stock market, 141
    • technical control, 56
    • trideo networks and, 163
    • Veracruz Settlement and, 41, 47, 54
    • war with Komatsu Corporation, 70-71
  • Aztec Stadium, 166
  • Aztlan
    • culture, 32-34
    • foreign-owned businesses in, 41
    • history of, 34-40
    • name, 38
  • Aztlan Armed Forces (AAF), 16, 76-77
    • air units, 78
    • ground units, 77
    • naval units, 77
    • space units, 78
    • weapons, 16
  • Aztlan Freedom League (AFL), 28
  • Aztlan Immigration Services
    • resident alien status, 120
    • travel visas, 119
  • Aztlan republic, 40
    • member states, 41


  • Background checks, 119
  • Background count, rules, 177
  • Bahia de Espíritu Sancto, 28
  • Baisetsu, Toko, 109
  • Balboa, 107, 115
  • Ballet Folklórico, 163-64
  • Bars, 188
  • Batiste, General Paolo, 78-79
  • Bay of the Holy Spirit, 28
  • Belize, 106
    • Mayan civilization and, 32
    • language of, 151
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
  • Big Pyramid, 22
  • Black Daggers, 75
  • Blind spots, 103
  • Blood magic, 26-27, 98-102
    • Amazonians and, 114
    • rules, 175-76
  • Blood offering, 93-94
  • Blood rites, 85
  • Blood sacrifices, 64
  • Blood spirits, 57, 64-65, 100-2
    • allies, 177
    • conjuring limitations, 176
    • rules, 176
    • toxic, 177
  • Board of directors, Aztechnology Corporation, 62-68
  • Border, 106
    • agent, 177
    • buffer zone, 128
    • crossing points, 125-26
    • demilitarized zone, 128
    • northern, 128-30
    • security, 128-29, 130, 144
    • southern, 130
  • Breathers, 158, 161
  • Brothers or the Chrysanthemum, 166
  • Buffer zone, 128
  • Burakumin, 137
  • Business Relations Board, 36


  • Cali
    • cartel, 51
    • military base at, 76
  • California campaign, 40
  • California Free State, 106, 128-30
  • Camp
    • Entrañas, 28
    • Naranja, 28
    • Templo, 28
  • Campeche
    • assault on, 19
    • governor, assassination of, 16
    • Mayan civilization and, 32
    • military base at, 76
    • uprising, 17
  • Canal de Panamá, 107
  • Cancún, 16, 17
  • Caracas, 41
  • Car bomb, 17, 18
  • Cargo routes, 126-27, 131
  • Cartagena
    • harbor, 115, 131
    • military base at, 76
  • Cartel managers, 51, See also Drug cartels
  • Castes, 112
  • Castillos, 136
  • Catholic Action Front, 28
  • Catholic Church
    • empire of, 34-35
    • metahumanity position of, 36
    • missionaries, 34
    • restrictions on, 94
    • size of, 95
    • state church of Mexico, 35
    • support of PAN, 36, 94
    • suppression of, 84, 94
    • underground organization, 94
  • Chalco Computer Systems, 47
  • Chamber of Deputies, 147, 148
  • Chemical industry, 69, 70
  • Chiapas
  • governor, assassination of, 16
  • Mayan civilization and, 32
  • uprising, 16-17
  • Chips, 144-45
  • Citizens' action committees, 18-19
  • Citizenship, 120-21
  • Ciudad seaport, 131
  • Civilian militia, 24
    • Especial unit, 17
    • role in uprisings, 17
    • weapons of, 17
  • Civil war
    • Amazonian support of, 22-23
    • assassinations, 16-18
    • Campeche uprising, 17
    • Chiapas uprising, 16-17
    • civilian militia, 17
    • ferry incident, 25
    • guerrilla tactics and, 24, 25
    • magic use in, 28-27
    • mercenaries and, 24-25
    • objectives of, 22, 25
    • Operation Libertad, 28-29
    • psychological warfare and, 25-26
    • wall ol skulls, 25-26
    • Yucatán uprising, 16-17
  • Climate, 113
  • Coatzacoalcos harbor, 115
  • Collateral damage, 143
  • Colombia, 106
    • annexation of, 41
    • drug cartels of, 51-53
      • bribes and, 36
      • role in civil wer, 17
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
    • technopiracy in, 52
  • Colonial invasion, 34-35
  • Colonialism, cycle of, 22
  • Communal farms, 140
  • Communications, 162
  • Competition, dealing with, 70
  • Confederated American States (CAS), 23, 39
    • access restrictions, 122
    • border with, 106, 128-30
    • Texas secession from, 40
  • ConsOps (Consular Operations)
    • asset insertion channels, 118
      • conventional, 119-26
      • extraordinary, 126-32
  • Corporate boycotts, 36
  • Corporate Court
    • Letters ot Incorporation, 43
    • Operation RECIPROCITY, 43-47, 54
    • Pan-Corporate Security Committee, 44-47
    • Pan-Corporate Zone and, 109-10
  • Corporate sector, 159-60
  • Corporate security, 73-75
  • Corporators, 136
  • Corruption, 68, 85
  • Cortés, Hernán (Great Killer), 34
  • Cosa Nostra, 166
  • Cost of living, 142
  • Counterespionage, 79
  • Covert asset insertion, 125-32, 132
  • Criminal offenses, 143-46
  • Cross-country insertion, of assets, 128-30
  • Cults, 93-94
  • Cultural groups, 111-12
  • Culture, 32-34
  • Currency, 139-40
  • Cyberdecks, 145
  • Cybernetics, 69
  • Cyberware, 145


  • Dance, 163-64
  • David cartel, 51, 52
  • Deities, 84-85
    • petitioning, 88-90
  • Demilitarized zone, 128
  • Demographics, 111-13
  • Demons of twilight, 92
  • Demon worship, 92-94
  • Denver Data Haven, 37, 66
  • Desert Range Proving Grounds, 45
  • Direct insertion, of assets, 127-28, 131
  • Dirigibles, 107
  • Distrito Federal, 16-17, 148
  • Dracoforms, 112
  • Dragon
    • Occidental, 112
    • Oriental, 112
    • rumor, 59-60, 62, 67-68
  • Drain, increased, 180
  • Drug cartels, 141
    • Aztechnology Corporation and, 51-52
    • bribes, 36
    • influence of, 52
    • legitimate business of, 52
    • role in civil war, 17
    • technopiracy and, 52-53
  • Drug lords, 51
  • Drugs, 17


  • Eagle order, of warrior, 80, 81
  • Earthquakes, 162, 171
  • Eastern Caribbean Air, 123
  • Economy, 139
    • currency, 139-40
    • exports, 140-41
    • imports, 140-41
    • stock market and, 141-42
  • Ecuador, drug cartels, 17
  • Ejidos, 140
  • Elections, 148-49
  • Electoral system, 37, 56, 149
  • Electronic intelligence (ELINT), 79
  • Electronic listening posts, 79
  • El Salvador, 106
    • drug cartels in, 52
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
  • Emergency services, 162
  • Emperor, 86
  • Ensenada
    • incident, 44-48, 54
    • military base at, 76
  • Entertainment, 163-64
  • Equipment
    • military, 76
    • rules, 178-80
  • Especial units, 17
  • Executive action team, 79
  • Exports, 140-41
  • Extraction, 61, 72


  • Farmers, 138
  • Fashion, 160-61
  • Federal District, See Distrito Federal
  • Fellini-Med, 161
  • Ferry Incident, 25
  • First Nations, 22
  • Flame of Freedom, 28
  • Football, 166
  • Forberger, Nicola
    • journey of, 15-20
    • serpent interview, 21-27
  • Foveae, 103
  • Fractional-Orbit Bombardment Systems (FOBS), 110
  • Freedom fighters, 22. See also Civil war; Rebels; Uprisings
  • Free spirits, 112, 113
  • Frente Democrático Nacional (FDN), 18, 36, 148
  • Front Range Free Zone (FRFZ), 122-23
  • Fuchi Industrial Electronics
    • Asia division, 61
    • artificial intelligence and, 66
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 45
  • Fútbol, 166


  • Gaillard Cut, 107, 109
  • Gatun Lake, 107
  • Global Airways, 122
  • Golfo de los Mosquitos, 52
  • Government
    • Azatlán Party, 30
    • caretaker, 37
    • coalition, 36
    • control over
      • economic, 56-57
      • personal leverage and, 57
      • technical, 56
    • direct democracy model, 37
    • elections, 148-49
    • electoral system, 56
    • local, 147-48
    • Mexican
      • collapse of, 19
      • governing coalition, 18
    • opposition parties, 148
    • structure, 146-48
    • Tenochtitlán, 154, 156
  • Great Ghost Dance, 26-27, 85
  • Great Temple, 87
    • of Quetzalcóatl, 170
  • GridGuide hardware, 156, 157
  • Guatemala, 106
    • language of, 151
    • Mayan civilization and, 32
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
  • Guerreros, 79-81
  • Guerrilla wars, 24, 25


  • Hada, 113
  • Harbors, 115
  • Henequen (serpent), 32
  • Hermetics, within clergy, 87
  • High Priests, 87, 88
  • Honduras, 106
    • drug cartels in, 52
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
    • technopiracy in, 52
  • Hostile takeovers, 70
  • Hotels, 167-68
  • Houses of Darts, 86
  • Houston, Sam, 35
  • Houston Medical Center, 63
  • Huey Tlatoani, 86
  • Huitzilopochtli, 85
    • High Priest of, 87, 88
  • Human sacrifice, 91


  • Iguana
    • rules, 174
    • totem, 97
  • Immigration datawork, 119-21
  • Imperial Marines, 45
  • Import community, 138
  • Imports, 140-41
  • Income, 111
  • Indian Wars, 22
  • Industrial espionage, 79
  • Industry, 69
  • Institutional Revolutionary Party, See Partido Revolucionario Institucional
  • Intelligence operatives, 79
  • Intelligence gathering, 78-79
  • Inter-Corporate Council, 53, See also Corporate Court
  • Intercorporate relationships, 71-72
  • IWIA (Independent West Indies Air), 123, 124


  • Jaguar
    • Awakened, 130
    • Guards, 75, 170, 178
    • order, of warrior, 80, 81
    • rules, 174-75
    • Sun of the, 92
    • totem, 97
  • Jesuits, 34-35, 36, 89, 96
  • Joint ventures, 54
  • Knight, Damien, 64
  • Komatsu Corporation, 70-71


  • Lakes, 115
  • Land reclamation, 39-40
  • Language, 149-51
  • Las Opera de Tenochtitlán, 163
  • La Venta, 32
  • Laws, 143
    • on chips, 144-45
    • on cyberdecks, 145
    • on cyberware, 145
    • on mindbenders, 144-45
    • on weapons, 143-44, 145
  • Leopard Guards, 75, 170, 178
  • Listening posts, 129
  • Locks, 107-8
  • Locus point, 114
  • Lodge meetings, 80
  • Lone Star, 56
    • GridSec division, 74
    • Militia, 40
    • weapons, 143
  • Los Humo Grande, 158


  • Macauitl, 170, 175, 178
  • Madden Dam, 108
  • Mafia, 166
  • Mages, 73
    • combat, 81
    • foveae and, 103
  • Magic, 97
    • blind spots, 103
    • blood, 26-27, 98-102
      • Amazonians and, 114
      • rules, 175-76
    • priests and, 87-88
    • return of, 38
    • rules, 174-77
    • totems, 97-98
    • use of, 25
    • warriors and, 81
  • Magical intrusion, 73
  • Magical security, 73-74
  • Mana field, 74
  • Management team, of Aztechnology Corporation, 60-62
  • Masaya cartel, 51, 52
  • Matrix, 37
    • security, 74
    • teocalli and, 89
  • Mayan civilization
    • culture, 32-33
    • language, 151
    • migration of, 33
    • tribes, 32-33
  • Mazatlán
    • harbor, 115 Q
    • military base at, 76
  • Medellín cartel, 51-52, 61
  • MedíCarro, 59, 162
    • rules, 178
  • Megacorporations, See also Aztechnology Corporation
    • extraction of personnel, 72
    • extraterritorial status of, 41, 52
    • growth of, 41
    • intercorporate relationships, 71-72
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 54
    • private, 59
    • technopiracy and, 52
    • Veracruz Settlement and, 41, 47
  • Mercenaries, 24-25, 76, 138
  • Mesoamerica
    • drug trade, 52
    • extraterritoriality and, 52
  • Mesoamerind
    • complaints of, 16
    • languages, 150-51
    • rebels, 16-17
    • Spanish conquerors treatment of, 34
  • Mestizos, 111-12
    • under Aztlan government, 19
    • complaints of, 16-17
  • Metahuman brains, 66
  • Metal molybdenum, 52
  • Metamagic, 98
  • Metatype, 112
  • Mexica, 33-34
  • Mexican-American War, 35
  • Mexican army, rebel ambush of, 17
  • Mexico (Aztlan)
    • church of, 35
    • government
      • Azatlán Party, 38
      • caretaker, 37
      • coalition, 18, 36
      • collapse of, 19
    • liberation of, 35
    • renaming of, 38
    • VITAS epidemic, 18-19
    • war with United States, 35
    • Yucatán civil war, 14-29
  • Mexico City
    • burning of, 18-19
    • name change, 54
    • occupation of, 35
    • VITAS epidemic and, 18-19
  • Military
    • air forces, 78
    • bases, 15, 76
    • corporate, 76-78
    • equipment, 76
    • ground forces, 77
    • intelligence, 78-79
    • national, 76-78, 149
    • naval forces, 77
    • space forces, 78
    • tactics, 27
    • technology, 69
    • use of temples, 86
    • warriors, 79-81
  • Mindbenders, 144-45
  • Mind-scan, 72
  • Ministry of Health and Welfare, 162, 163
  • Missiles, 25
  • Missionaries, 34
  • Mitsuhama Computer Technologies
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 45
    • relations with Aztechnology Corporation, 71
    • subsidiaries, 47
  • Mixtec language, 151
  • Monorail system, 157
  • Motion, Sun of, 93
  • Mountains, 114-15
  • Music, 163-64
  • Mystical goods/services, 69


  • NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 17
  • Nahuatian tribes, 33-34
  • Nahuatl, 150-51
  • National Action Party, See Partido de Acció Nacional
  • National Autonomous University (NAU), 171
  • National Democratic Front, See Frente Democrático Nacional
  • National Palace, 171
  • National Symphony Orchestra, 164
  • Native American Nations (NAN), 23
    • air service, 122
    • censuring by, 39
    • membership in, 38-39
    • refusal of aid, 40
    • rivalry with, 39-40
  • Navy, 77
  • NewsFAXday, 15-16
  • New Society of Jesus, 34-35, 36, 96
  • Nexus, 37, 66
  • Nicaragua, 106
    • drug cartels of, 51-53
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
    • technopiracy in, 52
  • Nightclubs, 169
  • Non-(meta)human sentients, 113


  • Oaxaca
    • language of, 151
    • military base at, 76
  • Obsidian-edged sword, 91, 170
  • Old Ways, 38
  • Ollamaliztli, 164-66
  • Olmec civilization, 32
  • Omega Order, 42
  • Omens, 93
  • Opera, 163
  • Operational Maneuver Groups, 77
  • Operation Big Gun, 47
  • Operation Libertad, 28-29
  • Operation RECIPROCITY, 42-47, 54
  • Opposition parties, 148
  • Organized crime, 166-67
  • Oriz, Diego, 52
  • ORO Corporation, See also Aztechnology Corporation
    • Awakening and, 52
    • Corporate Court and, 53
    • drug cartels and, 52-53
    • exploitation rights, 52
    • image change, 54
    • joint venture with Aztlan, 54
    • matrix-based electoral system, 37
    • name change, 54
    • technopiracy and, 52-53
    • VITAS epidemic and, 36, 53
    • war with Keruba, 53
  • Ortega, Juan, 52, 61
  • Otontin order, of warrior, 80, 81


  • Panama, 76, 106
    • drug cartels of, 36, 51-53
    • government collapse, 109
    • membership in Aztlan republic, 41
    • technopiracy in, 52
  • Panama Canal, 107
    • history of, 108-10
    • locks, 107-8
  • Panama Canal Zone, 108
  • Pan-American Highway, 125
  • Pan-Corporate Security Committee, 44-47
  • Pan-Corporate Zone, 109
  • PanGlobe, 122
  • PANICBUTTON, 157, 162
  • Paramilitary force, 24
  • Paranatural, 74
    • energy, 84
    • screening process, 72
  • Partido de Acció Nacional (PAN), 18, 36, 94, 148
  • Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), 18, 36, 148
  • Path of the Sun, 84-85, See also Religion
    • headquarters, 87
    • worship, 88
      • deity petitions, 88-90
      • demon, 92-94
      • sacrifices, 90-92
  • Patrol boats, 131, 180
  • Patrons, 62
  • Peasants, 137-38
  • Pemex Corporation, 19, 36, 58
  • Personal sacrifice, 90
  • Peso, 139-40
    • libre, 139-40
    • norma, 139-40
  • Physical adepts, 75
  • Physical security, 75, 123-24
  • Plan of Iguala, 35
  • Plumed Serpent, 97
    • rules, 175
    • totem, 38
  • Pobre (serpent), 20
    • interview with, 21-27
  • Point Polyphemus, 29
  • Politics
    • elections, 148-49
    • opposition parties, 148
  • Pollution, 158, 180
  • Population, 111-13
  • Precipitation, 113-14
  • Prejudice, 112
  • Priest, 84
    • magically active, 87-88
    • role in deity petitions, 89
  • Priesthood, 86-88
  • Private corporation, 59
  • Progreso, 15-16, 27, 76
  • Psychological analysis, 67
  • Psychological warfare, 25-26
  • Puebla
    • language of, 151
    • military base at, 76
  • Pueblo, 23, 128-30
  • Pueblo Corporate Council, 106
  • Puerto Rico, 45
  • Puma
    • rules, 175
    • totem, 97
  • Pyramids, 32, 33, 59, 169-70


  • Quachic order, of warrior, 80, 81
  • Quetzalcóatl (serpent), 33, 38, 85
    • High Priest of, 87, 88
    • rules, 175
    • totem, 97, 98
    • temple, 170
  • Quintana Roo, 16


  • Radar
    • high-altitude antiballistic missile, 127
    • phased-array, 15, 127
    • sweeps, 131
  • Rain, Sun of the, 92
  • Rainfall, 113
  • Rain forest, 114
  • Ramos, Domingo, 64
  • Ramos, Julio, 52, 64
  • Rebellion. See Civil war; Uprisings; Rebels
    • ambush of Mexican army, 17
    • camps, 28
    • cooperation of, 131-32
    • Mesoamerind, 16-17
    • military
      • extensions, 29
      • tactics of, 27
    • objectives of, 22, 25
    • Operation Libertad, 28-29
    • supply lines, 28, 132
    • support of, 22-23
  • Reciprocal arrangements, 123
  • Recruiting procedure, 72
  • Registry of Births, 120
  • Religion
    • Catholic Church, See Catholic Church
    • clergy, 87-88
    • control through, 82
    • deities, 84-85
    • priesthood, 86-88
    • state endorsement of, 82
    • temples, 85-86
    • worship, 88
      • deity petitions, 88-90
      • demon, 92-94
      • sacrifices, 90-92
  • Remote surveillance, 21
  • Renraku Computer Systems
    • artificial intelligence and, 66
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 45
  • Resident alien status, 120
  • Restaurants, 168
  • Revered Speaker, 86
  • Revolutionary Council, 21
  • Riots, 19
  • Ritual
    • executions, 91
    • blood rites, 85
  • Rivers, 115
  • Rumors
    • of artificial intelligence, 64-67
    • of Atzcapotzalco (Juan), 64
    • of dragon, 62
    • of Jesuits, 96
    • of Knight (Damien), 64
    • of members of board of directors, 64-68
    • of Roxborough (Thomas), 63-64
    • of serpent, 59-60
    • of spirits, 64-65
    • wall of skulls, 25-26


  • Sacerdote, 84
  • Sacrifices, 90-92
  • Saeder-Krupp Corp., 53
    • artificial intelligence and, 66
    • Operation RECIPROCITY and, 45
    • relations with Aztechnology Corporation, 71
  • San Antonio, 40
  • San Cristóbal, 52
  • San Diego
    • access to, 125
    • annexation of, 40
    • military base at, 76
  • San Jacinto, 35, 39
  • Satellites, 79
  • Screaming Eagle Airways, 122
  • Sea insertion, of assets, 130-31
  • Sea transport, 107
  • Security
    • air travel, 123-24
    • astral, 74, 123-24
    • benchmarks, 74
    • border, 128-29, 130
    • corporate, 73-75
    • cruise ships, 130
    • guard, 177
    • land travel, 125-26
    • magical, 73-74
    • matrix, 74
    • penetration of, 10
    • personnel, 177-78
    • physical, 75, 123-24
    • temple, 90
  • Sensors, 129
  • Sentries, 73
  • Serpent
    • dragon, 62
    • feathered, 74
    • Henequen, 32
    • Plumed, 97, 175
    • Pobre, 20-27
    • Quetzalcóatl, 33, 38, 85
      • rules, 175
      • totem, 97, 98
      • temple, 170
    • rumors of, 59-60
    • worshippers, 33
    • feathered, 112
  • Shadowrunners, 138
  • Shamans, 38, 73, 97
    • border agent, 177
    • within clergy, 87
    • combat, 81
    • foveae and, 103
  • Shapeshifters, 112
  • Shareholders, 47, 59
  • Shiawase Corp., 45
  • Shorn Ones, 80
  • Simulacrum, 61
  • Sinkholes, 15
  • Slavery, 35
  • Snipers, 17
  • Soccer, 164-66
  • Social Security Institute, 162
  • Social services, 162-63
  • Software, technopiracy of, 52-53
  • Sovereign American Indian Movement (SAIM)
    • battles with United States, 38
    • support of, 38
    • uprising, 22
  • Sovereign Tribal Council (STC), 38-39
  • Spirits
    • blood, 57, 64-65, 100-2
      • allies, 177
      • conjuring limitations, 176
      • rules, 176
      • toxic, 177
    • control of, 57
    • free, 112, 113
    • rumors of, 64-65
    • watcher, 73-74
  • Sports, 164-66S
  • tock market, 141-42
  • Stowaways, 127
  • Streets, life on, 136-38
  • Subsidiaries, 58-59
  • Suburbs, 160
  • Sun
    • of Motion, 93
    • of the Jaguar, 92
    • of the Rain, 92
    • of the Water, 92
    • of the Wind, 92
  • Surrogate, 61, 98
  • Surveillance
    • planes, 25
    • remote, 21
    • satellites, 79
    • tracking device, 21
  • Sword
    • ceremonial, 175, 178
    • obsidian-edged, 91, 170
  • Symbols, 90


  • Tabasco
    • Olmec civilization and, 32
    • uprising, 17
  • Tampico, 115, 131
  • Tarascan language, 151
  • Technopiracy, 52-53, 166-67
  • Televisa, 58, 163
  • Temax, 16, 19
  • Temperature, 113
  • Temple, 84-86
    • construction of, 86
    • Matrix and, 89
    • military use of, 86
    • of the Moon, 33
    • rituals and, 85, 88
    • rules, 177
    • security, 90
    • of Tenochtitlán, 170
    • of Tezcatlipoca, 170
  • Tenochtitlán, 33, 34
    • Aeropuerto Benito Juárez, 171
    • Alameda Central, 171
    • architecture, 161-62
    • Aztechnology Corporation headquarters, 58, 169-70
    • bars, 168
    • by bus, 157
    • by car, 156-57
    • communications, 162
    • corporate sector, 159-60
    • emergency services, 162
    • entertainment, 163-64
    • fashion, 160-61
    • government of, 154, 156
    • hotels, 167-68
    • life in, effects of, 180
    • by monorail, 157
    • name change, 54
    • National Palace, 171
    • nightclubs, 169
    • organized crime in, 166-67
    • Pedegral, 171
    • precincts, 154
    • professional sports, 164-66
    • restaurants, 168
    • social services, 162-63
    • street scene, 158-60
    • suburbs of, 160
    • superhighways of, 156
    • survival guide, 158-60
    • teocalli of, 85
    • traveling in, 156-57
    • University City, 171
    • vital statistics, 154
  • Teocalli, 84-86, 170
    • Matrix and, 89
    • rituals, 88
    • security, 90
  • Territorial waters, 106
  • Terrorist attacks, 25
  • Terror Time, 18
  • Texas, 35
    • battle with Aztlan, 39-40
    • campaign, 38-39
  • Texas Rangers, 40, 77
  • Tierra caliente, 113
  • Tierra fria, 113
  • Tierra templada, 113
  • Tikal, 29, 32
  • Tithe, 90-91
  • Tizimín, 16, 19
  • Tlachtli, 164
  • Tlacochcalcos, 86
  • Tlaloc, High Priest of, 87, 88
  • Tolerance, decreased, 180
  • Toltec civilization, 33
  • Topography, 114-15
  • Torrid Zone, 113
  • Totems, 97-98
  • Traditionals, 15, 32, 138
    • Aztlan government and, 19
    • fashion, 161
    • uprisings of, 16-18
  • Travel
    • by air, 121-25
      • scheduled flights, 122-23
      • security levels, 123-24
      • unscheduled flights, 124
    • by land, 125
      • security levels, 125-26
    • by sea, 126
    • visa, 119
  • Trideo networks, 163
  • Twilight demons cults, 93-94
  • Tzitzimine, 64, 92, 93


  • UCAS, 39
    • access restrictions, 122
    • California campaign and, 40
    • Consular Operations, 11
    • security contracts, 56
    • Texas campaign and, 38-39
  • Underground freedom organizations, 17
  • Underground railroad, 28
  • Uniform, 16, 75
  • United, 122
  • United States
    • battles with SAIM, 38
    • Panama Canal and, 108-9
    • troubles of, 109
    • War on Drugs, 51
    • war with Mexico, 35
  • Universal Brotherhood, 72
  • University City, 171
  • Uprisings
    • Campeche, 17
    • Chiapas, 16-17
    • civilian militia role in, 17
    • SAIM, 22
  • Tabasco, 17
  • Yucatán, 16, 17


  • Valley of Mexico, 33, 34
  • Vegas Air, 122
  • Venezuela, 106
    • annexation of, 41
    • drug cartels in, 52
  • Veracruz Settlement, 41, 47
  • Vicar General, 87
  • Villiers, Richard, 61
  • Virtual gateway, 12
  • Vision quests, 67-68
  • VITAS epidemic, 18-19, 36, 53
  • Volcanoes, 114-15


  • Wall of skulls, 25-26
  • Warriors, 79-80
    • membership, 80-81
    • orders of, 81
  • Water, Sun of the, 92
  • Weapons
    • of AFF, 16
    • of civilian militia, 17
    • of Especial unit, 17
    • fines, 145
    • laws, 143-44
    • punishments, 145
  • Wind, Sun of the, 92
  • World Cup competition, 166
  • Worship, 88
    • deity petitions, 88-90
    • demon, 92-94
    • sacrifices, 90-92


  • Xaltepec, Simon, 154
  • Xpress Communications Corporation, 15-16
  • Yamatetsu Corp., 45
  • Yucatán
    • asset insertion via, 131-33
    • civil war, 14-29
    • European explorers, 34
    • jungle of, 15
    • land of, 15
    • mestizos, 16-17
    • military base, 15
    • raids on, 19
    • rebels, 11
    • traditionals, 15, 16-17
    • uprising, 16, 17 A
  • Yucatec, 151


  • Zaibatsu, 41
  • Zion Air, 123, 124
  • Zone Cathedral, 29
  • Zone Ghost, 28
  • Zone Lagos, 29