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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Follow VICE Sports on Facebook to discover what's beyond the game:<br><br>There's an elephant in the room, but almost no one is willing to recognize it. The use of steroids and other chemicals to look muscle is a trend that is rising in recent years, and yet there are very few people willing to talk about it. In this new series, [] The Steroid taboo, we talked to its protagonists to find…“)
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Aktuelle Version vom 22. März 2023, 22:43 Uhr

Follow VICE Sports on Facebook to discover what's beyond the game:

There's an elephant in the room, but almost no one is willing to recognize it. The use of steroids and other chemicals to look muscle is a trend that is rising in recent years, and yet there are very few people willing to talk about it. In this new series, The Steroid taboo, we talked to its protagonists to find answers to the silence surrounding the doping in the gyms.

According to a European Union report, 6% of community citizens who go to the gym are consumers of anabolizing, a type of substances that favor tissue growth and that in a sports performance key they serve to increase the mass and improve the muscle tone of any athlete, also those who are not female bodybuilders on steroids.

▪ More fitness: This is how the black steroid market works

Although it seems to be a contradiction, most anabolizing steroid shop consumers do not recommend their use to other people, at least open. Another nonsense is that the users consulted to perform this series have been willing to talk about the topic, "because there is much disinformation and sensationalism," but then they have not wanted to give their anonymous testimony to VICE Sports.

"I don't have a problem talking about it, but whenever I've read some newspaper article, things get a lot of twisted and an approach is given in which we look like weird, crazy and such bugs," a consumer of these products tells me on the phone. Heroe Fitness, a youtuber who is referring to the musculation and physical preparation in Spain who announced that "it passes to the dark side", has also declined to speak with us, even though it is one of the few who has publicly acknowledged that it is not natural.


It seems that hermeticism continues to impose on this mundillo, but after contacting a few athletes "cycled", see this site as they are described in a derogatory way, we find a 28-year-old amateur bodybuilder willing to tell us his experience with rob riches steroids. Brian* has been cultivating his body for more than 10 years, and for a couple of years he has been punctured to achieve his goals at the gym.

Photo of Bernadette Szabo, Reuters

According to him, the referents of bodybuilding supplements that work like steroids, musculation and fitness—the Stallone and JBH News the Schwarzenegger in turn— are the basis of the problem, the reason that so many people end up using the chemicals to get "the perfect body". What screws him is that, by using these enhancers, society derogates him from the ciclad, a term that hurts him to the bone.

"Unknown hurts a lot, if you have to explain to everyone what the issue is about, you're going crazy. People don't know the sacrifice they are, they don't understand. You can't tell anyone because it changes the image they have of you, it's very badly seen. People don't see your training, just see that you're taking something, and that's bad."

That's why, beyond her colleagues at the gym and her wife —"she's taken pills that do the same, it's normal at home" — Brian prefers not to tell anyone about her experience with steroids. Ours is an exception, because he thinks that if more partners were encouraged to tell their stories, the taboo that weighs on them would be diluted. In their responses we can quickly detect the contradictions that all consumers assume.

Brian, why did you start taking anabolic steroids before and after?

I started because I got to my natural limit, a time came when my body didn't grow up, I was always the same for a lot of diet I made and didn't go forward. I always looked for a natural development, but rounding my arms and shoulders is impossible. What happens is that we are used to seeing artificial bodies on TV, [ best anabolic steroids for sale so from the beginning we look street names for steroids an impossible goal.

In your experience, explanation have you benefited?

Yeah, a lot, a lot. It improves the whole shape of the muscle steroids, [ get huge muscles fast everything is more round, gains losing weight after steroids. It is very difficult to be inflated and marked at the same time, there comes a point where can i buy [ anabolic steroids legal steroids] the skin is tuned, it is a very exaggerated change.

Why do [ steroids pictures make your penis smaller] you think there is such a negative view of pill steroids?

I have a lot of friends who think that when you do this you're gonna get inflated and starve, but it's not about that. To achieve your goals, the most important is food, diet, work at the gym, go running every day. These products help the body absorb food, but they are just a complement.

Can you give me a concrete example?

Winstrol, wrote one of the products we most use, is a medicine for steroids uses annorexic people or with muscle human growth hormones [ uk steroids] problems. Increase your muscle mass and make the body more hungry and allow it to absorb more protein than it is normal.

And you haven't noticed any health problems?

No, not at the moment. I've always taken the right protectors, I've eaten a lot of vegetables during preparation. People think this is just eating protein and hydrates, but we have to balance the diet well. I do an analytics every year and the values are normal, it doesn't concern doctors or tell me anything.

But there's a lot of talk about baldness, infertility... what's true about all this?

Yeah, there are people who have problems. You're getting [ artificial testosterone]. The body usually functional with 60% natural testosterone, and when you get these products you go to 150%, read this post from you go to double or triple the normal. Having it very high, the body stops manufacturing testosterone, so when you finish the preparation you have to take other products for the post, which serve to reactivate natural bodybuilding vs steroids production. What's going on is that this is all very expensive, and a lot of people go through it. Then you can be in trouble for a couple of months in bed.

And [ gnc amp ripped review surely you haven't noticed any change?

Well, if it's true I've had a bit more of a mood since I've been flattered. I've been in for [[ phil heath steroids-become-legal/41692/ illegal pre workout] almost six months without taking anything, and now I'm very aware of it. I'm more left, more depressive. Once you do it and you look so good, it's a subject that then leads you to depression, because you can't get the same results without clicking.

Photo of Mohammed Salem, [ steroid meaning Reuters

Depression is, without a doubt, one of the symptoms that highlights the risks involved in the abuse of buy anabolic steroids with credit card and other similar substances in the world of force sports; although Brian believes that he has no more problems than his mood changes, the need he feels to enter a new cycle —"small, as much as one a year," he justifies as he tells me — he is hooked. In the end, they are medicines that athletes take without medical prescription and in amounts that are not recommended.

"The important thing is to catch a preparer, who engage in this professionally. In my case, he is the one who prepares me the diet and the amounts I should take, and then tells me to get this product over there," recognizes Brian, who trusts his personal trainer "because he has also used and you see the result in his body." He intends to take the title of preparer shortly, [ reliable steroid suppliers so the system feeds itself.

Another important issue to take into account, as in any aspect of life, simply click Jbhnews is money, and it is that it does not come out cheap. "It's quite expensive. A small preparation, the first one you can make, is between 300 and 500 euros. I have spent more than Euros in two years," says Brian, who has completed four cycles—in his case, two months, with three weekly punctures that he himself manages at home in the ass, shoulders or biceps, according to the area that he seeks to enhance—and goes for the fifth.

The sale of these products in Spain is illegal, how do you assemble it?

It's super easy, you can even get them on the Internet, it's available to everyone. There's boys over there, like the one who sells drugs. You call the coleguita and ask him to give you this and the other. They're people who are usually in the same gym, who do the same thing as you.

So, how to cycle steroids do you tell me, JBHNews is that something very common?

There are many people who use these products, and it's very normal. At the gym it's not hard to talk about, but nobody says anything outside of it.

How can I detect someone who's squeezing?

By the shape of the body, the rags and the shoulders, which take a totally unnatural form, superredonda. Natural is impossible, man, you have to have very good genetics. All elite bodybuilders are punctured, absolutely all.

What do friends tell you about all this?

Let him leave because you can't abuse this. Elite bodybuilders, Mr. U.S. Olympia, they have a very small average of life, with 60 years they are all dead. You understand?


I'm telling Brian I do, I understand what he's telling me, but, and he? "Yes, but it fills me with a lot." He won't leave it for taste and vice, because in the end he ends up telling me the same as most people who use buying steroids, who wouldn't recommend it to anyone under any circumstances.

"Once you test it, you'll repeat it, so you'd better not prove it. It's so good, I don't know anyone who only did it once. It's like in any sport, once you test the doping and you go back to your normal state you say 'but what is it?'."

Brian's trapped, even if he always wants to see the positive side.

Follow the author on Twitter: @GuilleAlvarez41

*Brian is a pseudonym, VICE Sports knows his real name